The estimated reading time for this post is 11 minutes
iOS 7 is chock full of exciting new features and hidden gems designed to make your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch more powerful and efficient. With over 200 new features, you could spend quite a while discovering the best ones. Or you could save a lot of time and check out these top 30.
By now you’ve probably finished reading iOS 7 – What You Need to Know Before You Update and updating your iDevices. If you haven’t done that yet, well, Apple is giving you plenty of reasons to want to update.
iOS 7 is a free update for:
- iPhone 4 and later
- iPad 2 and later
- iPod Touch 5th generation
and comes pre-installed on the iPhone 5s and 5c.
New Features
Control Center
Please a finger on the bottom edge of your screen and swipe up to reveal Control Center. You can easily access flashlight, camera, timer and calculator from the bottom. You can also control audio, including volume, pause, play, fast forward and rewind. You can turn on and off Airplane Mode, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Do Not Disturb and Lock Rotation. You can also control the brightness of your screen.
Siri now has new powers. You can command Siri to open apps. Say, “Take a photo” to open the camera app. Say, “Open Facebook” to open the Facebook app. Say, “Make a reservation” and give details to use the OpenTable app. You can even command Siri to play a song from your iTunes collection or from iTunes Radio.
Press the ? icon at the bottom of Siri to find out examples of what it can do.
You can make Siri work better for you by adjusting your settings. Go to Settings => General => Siri. You can choose voices, language and other options.
iTunes Radio
Apple has a free streaming radio service for you tucked into your music app. Open the app and press the Radio icon in the lower left corner.
Voice Calls using FaceTime
FaceTime allows us to make video calls to others using iDevices and Mac computers. With iOS 7 you can use FaceTime to make audio calls as well. This comes in very handy when you want to save your voice minutes and when you are connected to Wi-Fi but don’t have good cell phone reception. You can also use this for free international calls.
During my tests of this feature, FaceTime voice calls have been very clear and easy to hear.
New Sounds and Ringtones
If you’re tired for reaching for your phone when you hear that universal text tone, only to find it was coming from another phone, take a minute to set a more unique ringtone. Apple now gives you many more choices so the chances of you having the same tones as someone else are greatly reduced. Go to Settings => Sounds and choose your new ringtones and alert tones. You can choose from one of the new ones or pick Classic to reveal the ones from previous versions of iOS.
Automatic App Updates
If you don’t want to be bothered with manually updating your apps, this feature will be a big bonus for you. You can now have your device update apps automatically and control whether they update using cellular data.
Go to Settings => iTunes & App Store and choose Updates under Automatic Downloads. Under that you can toggle Use Cellular Data on or off.
Unlimited Apps in Folders
If you organize your apps into folders, you’ll be pleased to know that you can now have unlimited apps in a folder. Perhaps you can’t get enough of puzzle games and have dozens of different puzzle apps on your phone. Good news! You can place them all into one folder, freeing up your screen for other apps and make your apps funny easier to find.
See, How to Create App Folders for Your iPhone and iPad to learn how to organize your apps into folders.
See Where You’ve Been (or Not)
Your iPhone can keep track of your favorite places:
Go to Settings => Privacy => Location Services and scroll to System Services at the bottom and tap it. Find Frequent Locations at the bottom and tap it. You can see a history of your most frequent locations and turn that feature off if you’re not using it.
Control Which Apps Use Cellular Data
If you have monthly data limits, you may not want every app to be able to use cellular data. You can restrict some of your apps to access the Internet only when you’re connected to Wi-Fi. Go to Settings => Cellular and scroll down to Use Cellular Data For: and turn off any apps you don’t want to be a data hog.
Block People
If you get annoying text message or phone calls from people you’d rather not hear from ever again, you can now block them. Go to your Phone app => Contacts and find their entry. Scroll down to Block this Caller and press it. You will be asked to confirm your choice and reminded that you will not receive phone calls, messages or FaceTime from people on your block list.
Note that people must be in your Contacts list for you to block them.
Correction: you can block people who are not in your Contacts List from Recent Calls. Open your Phone app and go to Recent Calls. Find the phone number you want to block and press the i icon on the right. Scroll down to Block this Caller. This works for outgoing and incoming calls.
Thanks to Rob at Today in iOS for this information in his most recent podcast Episode 0285 Feeling a little askew.
With AirDrop you can send photos, video and more to others around you. Open Control Center and press AirDrop. You can adjust your settings so that you can be discovered by everyone or only your contacts. To save battery power, turn AirDrop off until you need it.
On the Level
The new Compass app is very cool and comes free with iOS 7. Hidden in this app is a free level. Swipe the compass to the left to reveal the level. Go ahead, check your floors. I’ll wait.
If you find your floors aren’t quite level, don’t panic yet. Note that some iPhone 5s models are having issues with the level. A fix is promised in a future update to iOS 7.
Make Your Phone Kid-Friendly
You can now restrict use of your iDevice to kid-friendly content.
Go to Settings => General => Restrictions and scroll down to Allowed Content and choose which restrictions you would like. You can set your password protection so this setting can’t be changed without entering a password.
Kids Apps
iTunes now has a kids’ section for apps. In the App Store app, click on Categories in the upper left corner and scroll down to Kids.
Near Me
Check out the Near Me section to find apps that are popular in your area. This can be especially handy when you travel to a new area to discover apps that are helpful.
Sort Your Mail
The native mail app can now sort your mail. You can sort by VIP, flagged, unread, etc. Go to your Mail app => Mailboxes and tap on Edit. Check any categories you want to appear in your search page.
Text Message Time Stamps
Swipe your text messages to the left to reveal a time stamp for when you received the message.
Turn Off Movement
Is the Parallax wallpaper making you queasy? Good news, you can turn off that feature.
Go to Settings => General => Accessibility => Reduce Motion => On.
Make Text Easier to Read
Many people have difficulty seeing the slim font of iOS 7. To make text easier to read, enable bold text.
Go to Settings => General => Accessibility and toggle Bold Text to On.
This will involve resetting your phone but when it turns back on you will have a much easier time reading text.
Also see, Fixing Your Font Size! for instructions on how to make the text size larger on your iDevice.
Notifications on Lock Screen
Now when you receive a Notification on your lock screen, you can swipe that notification to the right to open the app that notified you. You can also swipe up to close that notification.
You can control which apps appear in Notifications by going to Settings => Notification Center. Scroll down to Include and select how you wish to be notified for each app.
Notification Center
Swipe down from the top edge of any screen to reveal Notification Center. Your notifications have three tabs: Today, All and Missed. You can control what information appears in Notifications Center by going to Settings => Notification Center and adjusting your settings.
Swipe Away Notifications
No more do you have to wait patiently for a notification to fade away at the top of your screen. When one appears you can swipe it up to remove it from your screen.
New Functions
Now you can search and enter web addresses in a unified bar at the top of your screen.
Your open web pages appear in a Rolodex carousel you can spin through to browse. Tap the icon in the bottom right corner to see your open pages. Close a page by tapping on the X or swiping the page left.
Closing Apps
In Close Your Apps! you can find out how important closing apps can be to the performance and battery life of your device. With iOS 7, the method of closing your apps has changed.
Double tap the Home button (that part hasn’t changed) and you will see a row of icons at the bottom of your screen showing the apps you have open (that part hasn’t changed either). You will also see screens of each app which you can swipe up to close the app or tap to open the app (that’s the big change).
You can close multiple apps at once by swiping up apps with multiple fingers to close them.
Swipe to Go Back
If you’re missing a Back button on iOS, you’ll appreciate this new feature. On apps that have this feature enabled, you can swipe to the right to go back.
Spotlight Search
Instead of swiping all the way to the left, you now access Spotlight Search by swiping down on your home page. Don’t start from the top of the screen, that opens Notification Center. Start swiping from the middle of the screen to reveal Spotlight Search.
My full review of Spotlight Search: How to Use Spotlight Search on iPhone and iPad.
Blue Dots
After you download a new app, a blue dot will appear next to the icon.
Camera Burst Mode
Take multiple shots with Burst Mode. Hold down the Volume Up button when you’re taking a picture using the Camera app and multiple images will be taken. The photos will be combined to create the best shot automatically.
You can also choose the best one by going to Photos and selecting the photo. “Choose Favorites” will appear at the bottom. Press that to be taken to the photos that were combined. You can choose which one(s) you want to appear on your Photo Roll by pressing them to reveal a check mark.
Camera Filters
No longer do you have to deal with reality when you’re taking a photo. Press the filter icon in the lower right corner of the camera app and then choose from nine different filters.
Photo Gallery Moments
Your Photo Roll is now conveniently sorted into Moments, according to place and time, making it easier for you to find your pictures. You can share entire Moments with others in addition to sharing individual pictures.
Perfect Parallax Wallpapers
Love the parallax effect? You can use your own images. You can resize your images to make them work for you:
iPhone 5/5c/5s 1536 x 1040 pixels
iPhone 4S 1360 x 1040 pixels
iPad 3 and iPad 4 2448 x 2448 pixels
iPad 2 and iPad Mini 1424 x 1424 pixels
Not sure how to resize images? Check out PicMonkey – Make the Most of Your Pictures
Note that the colors of your wallpaper show through on several apps and on Control Center. Be sure to pick wallpaper with colors you enjoy because you’ll be seeing a lot of them!
Your Thoughts
Which new features of iOS 7 are you finding the most useful? Do you have any tips and tricks to share with us? Have you enjoyed using iOS 7? Let us know in the Comments section below!
Verizon Wireless Same Day Delivery
Verizon Wireless is now offering same day delivery of wireless devices in the Philadelphia area. Verizon is piloting this program in the Philadelphia area. From Verizon:
“Anyone in the Philadelphia area (covering 169 zip codes) who orders devices – with or without accessories – on by 10 a.m. Monday through Friday may choose same-day delivery, with delivery guaranteed by 7 p.m. The cost is $19.99, compared with the priority overnight delivery fee of $14.99.”
Verizon plans to expand Same Day Delivery to New York City, Dallas, San Francisco and Pittsburgh in the near future.
Here is more information about Verizon’s Same Day Delivery program:
More Wonder of Tech
Many thanks to Kyle of Rather-Be-Shopping for featuring me today at his site. Be sure to check out Blog Spotlight: 10 Questions With Carolyn of The Wonder of
For my review of Rather-Be-Shopping, check out Rather Be Shopping: Your Personal Site for Savings!
Hey Carolyn,
I still haven’t upgraded yet. My goodness, I just got use to this one so I’m not quite sure I’m ready to figure all of that out. Plus, I want to be sure to move my photos to Flickr and I haven’t had time to do that yet. I copy them to my computer but I want to organize them better before I do this.
Thanks though for the heads up because I’ll be reverting back to this post to help me when I take the big plunge. You’re my life saver.
Hi Adrienne, Yes, be sure to read iOS 7 – What You Need to Know Before You Update before you update and then this article after. You’re right, there is a lot to learn and not all of it is intuitive or obvious. I learned quite a bit researching this article and will be referring back to it later for the features I don’t use often.
Once you do update, Adrienne, you will really enjoy the convenience of Control Center. I use that feature multiple times a day, which is why I put it first in this article. To me, Control Center alone is enough of a reason to update to iOS 7.
iOS 7 has a very different look than iOS 6 and some of the basic features take some time to learn. Update when you have some time to familiarize yourself with the features, then you’ll be enjoying it in no time!
I like iOS 7 overall, now if they would only add a feature to swipe away notifications from the lock screen and clear away the badge icon. I saw that my friend sent the letter ‘k’ after my last text, I don’t need to go look at that text again. Just left me swipe the notification away as a sign that I read the text or see that I have a missed call.
Hi Ryan, Good news! You can swipe that notification up on the lock screen to get rid of it.
You can get rid of banners by going into Settings => Notification Center and then find the app you want to get rid of the banners on. Tap on it then turn off Badge App Icon.
Now you’re all set! :-bd
Like Adrienne I haven’t updated yet too. Thanks for the “What you need to know before you update” link
As to the features I love the Airdrop – photo sharing is one of the most tedious tasks I currently handle (I hope you remember my earlier comment on your Flickr post).
But above anything, I first will dive in to check out the ringtones and new sounds – call me crazy
Seriously, thanks Carolyn!
Hi Jane, Yes, I love ringtones too. I create custom ringtones for my Favorites so I am alerted immediately and know who is calling. I think you’ll really like the new ringtones in iOS 7.
The old ringtones are still around though so you will have a wide selection of included ringtones to use.
AirDrop will be very handy for you to share your photos with other iOS users. Next week Apple is due to announce an update to the Mac operating system. Many are hoping that AirDrop will be included so you will be able to share between your iOS device and your Mac using AirDrop. We will know after Tuesday.
Wow I didn’t know the iOS 7 is that good. I still didn’t installed it on my iPhone 4s, always retract it for tomorrow xD But now when I saw all these improvements I think I will install it tonight
Can you just tell me did you try this “Blocking people from contacts” feature, I might find it useful haha. So if you block someone and they try to send you an sms for example, do they get notification of delivery when they sent message or they get notification that their recipient blocked them?
Thanks for sharing this and wish you a great day!
Hi Adam, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! You’re right, iOS 7 has loads of improvements over iOS 6 so it’s worthwhile updating.
Great question about blocking people. I tried blocking someone and when she sent a text she did not get a notice that her message was blocked. She tried calling me but her call went straight to voice mail without ringing on my iPhone.
Thanks for stopping by and asking your great question, Adam!
great post…very nice..thanks a lot for write this.
Hi Varun, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! I’m glad you enjoyed this article. Thanks for stopping by and letting us know.
Great list! I’ve resistetd the update so far, but reading this changed my mind. It seems there are some really useful features.
Hi Ralf, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! Yes, iOS 7 has a wonderful array of features to make your device even more useful. I hope you enjoy your new free features!
Good info, but I couldn’t get control center to come up by swiping screen; make the compass be a level or find radio from iTunes. I’ll try again, but it’s probably just because I didn’t pay attention in class.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Bill, No worries, we’ll get you sorted. Tap your Home button to get to the Home screen. Start with your finger on the bottom frame/bezel and swipe up onto the home screen. Control Center should appear.
Open the Compass app. spin the ball around to calibrate it. Then when the Compass app appears swipe to the left and the Level app will appear.
Open the Music app and look at the bottom of the screen. iTunes Radio will be one of the choices in the bottom menu bar.
Hope this helps!
Useful tips although one correction for you – you can’t get unlimited apps in folders. The maximum is 135 – 15 screens with 9 apps per screen. Of course, a folder is pretty hard to use once it has 135 apps in it….
Hi Marc, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! Most article I have read state that the number of apps in a folder is unlimited, though I did find one site saying that the number of apps in folders on the iPad Mini is limited to 135, 15 screens of 9 apps.
You’re right, having that many apps in a folder would be very difficult to manage, whether you had 135 or more apps.
Hi Carolyn!
I do have this phone and didn’t get around to do all these features. I found that what you wrote about blocking is a BLESSING to me!!! As you know, I’m not the techie gal, but when it comes to this phone I want to learn everything about it.
So far, I find that the pictures I’m taking are better than my camera. (where is that camera anyway…he he)
What I love the BEST is Siri! Now, I cannot text on that touch pad no matter how hard I try. It still takes me such a long time. But with Siri…no problem..she does my texting for me.
I also depend on Siri when I’m out and about and ask her where is Starbucks….She gets me right there. She has become my best friend and I love it! Now I can bookmark this page in order to do the rest of the things I didn’t dabble in yet.
Thank you sooooo Much!
Hi Donna, Yes, there are many useful new features of iOS 7, so I’m glad you discovered ones that work well for you. Great idea to bookmark this article and refer back to it later so you can explore features one at a time. Many people get overwhelmed by the new features so just learn a few and then forget about the others.
I admire your excitement at exploring iOS 7, Donna. Well done! :-bd
I can’t believe am this behind with iOS news yet I spend my time online. Great features which I think will be effective when am not on my laptop. Being a Photo Lover camera burst mode, camera filter and photo gallery will fit me on my leisure time. Thanks Carolyn ~ Anetta
Hi Anetta, Yes, there is so much tech news to keep up with lately. Fall is definitely tech season now! But Wonder of Tech readers know to come here to find out the tech news you need to know! :-bd