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Welcome to Tech-Knowledgy where your tech questions are answered!
Q. My kid has his heart set on getting a Nintendo 3DS for his birthday. I read your blog on it and it does look like a great machine, but for not that much more money, I can get him a basic iPad that can do so much more than a 3DS. Any suggestions?
A. The Nintendo 3DS is a fantastic gaming device with breakthrough technology (See, Nintendo 3DS: David’s Review!). Two of my children bought the 3DS and they love it.
Good news for you, the price of the Nintendo 3DS in the US is being slashed as of August 12 from $249 to $169, which makes the price difference of the Ninento 3DS and the lowest priced iPad much bigger. If your child has his heart set on the Nintendo 3DS, and you can wait until August 12 to buy it, you will save a lot of money.
For those who have already purchased a Nintendo 3DS at the original price (such as my children), or plan to purchase one before August 11, Nintendo is going to try to make it up to their customers for the drastic price drop. Nintendo will give Nintendo 3DS owners 20 free 3DS games if they have purchased their devices by August 11. For more information, click here: Gizmodo.
Q. How do you delete photos from an iPhone?

A. Whether you want to free up space on your iPhone or remove embarrassing images, it’s important to know how to delete photos from your iPhone.
To delete a photo you have taken with your iPhone, go into the Photos app, press on Camera Roll, find the picture you want to delete and press on it. When it opens on your iPhone, press on the picture and a trash can icon will appear on the right side of the menu bar at the bottom. Press the trash can icon and a pop up window will appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete the picture.
To delete a photo from your iPhone that you didn’t take with the iPhone, you will have to adjust your sync settings in iTunes. With your iPhone attached to your computer, go into iTunes and click on the name of your iPhone (for example, “Lady Gaga’s iPhone”), and then click on the Photos tab at the top of the page.
From there, you can check which folders on your computer you wish to sync folder from so they are copied onto your iPhone. You can either select All Folders or Selected Folders. Click on Selected Folders and then choose the folders you want to sync to your iPhone. Click Apply and your iPhone will be synced with only the photos in the folders you have selected.
Q. The head of our department is moving to a different job and we want to give him a really special gift to thank him for being a great boss. Everyone wanted to get him a Kindle because he loves reading books. We took up a collection and ended up getting much more than a Kindle costs. So we wanted to get him some Kindle books but didn’t know how to do it so he could keep the books on his Kindle. Someone said we could put the books on her Kindle account and sync our boss’s new Kindle to her account but that doesn’t sound like it would work very well. What do you suggest?

A. Great idea to get him a Kindle! I’m sure he will love your generous gift. To add Kindle books to your gift, consider giving him an Amazon gift certificate. This way, he can choose the books he wants, and also he can add the books to his Kindle account.
If you want to give him a specific Kindle book, go to Amazon, find the Kindle book you want to give him, and click on Gift This Book on the right side of the listing. Enter his email address and he will be able to download the book to his Kindle.
I don’t suggest that you sync his Kindle with someone’s account from your office. If his Kindle is synced with someone’s Kindle account, he will lose all of his books when he transfers his Kindle to his own account.
Many families share Kindle accounts, so if anyone else in his family has a Kindle account, he will probably want to sync his Kindle to the family account so other members of his family can share in the Kindle books as well.
I hope your boss enjoys his Kindle!
Does the upcoming price drop on the Nintendo 3DS entice you to get one? Do you delete photos from your iPhone to add space or remove embarrassing evidence? Have you ever given a Kindle book as a gift? Let us know in the Comments section below!
* Image by Simon Q
** Image by Sean Kelly
Hi Carolyn,
Interesting blog, I doubt if the Nintendo will be that cheap here! I am considering a games machine. I used to play for hours on early computers like the Commodores and the great PC games were good like Leisure suit Larry, F15 strike eagle, Scorched Earth and lots more. Windows seems to have put paid to those. My blog isn’t having a good day. I can’t figure out why people like the title Thrifty Thursday more than Frugal Friday! ๐
Hi Mike, Electronics are usually more expensive in the UK, but I hope there is a price drop on the Nintendo 3DS there as well.
Leisure Suit Larry, one of my favorite games. Did you see my reference to that in Monday’s blog? My brother and I once wasted an entire day playing version 2 or 3 of that game (I can’t remember). I think we made it through the whole game in a day. That was when we were young. Wasted youth?
Often my blog traffic drops off on Fridays and the weekends are almost always slow. But I find that my Friday posts (Tech-knowledgy) are read throughout the week so I don’t think it’s the post, just the weekend slump.
Thanks so much for your visit and comment, Mike!
Apple’s drinking Nintendo’s milkshake. No really it is. How long more these tiny Nintendo type of devices last, questionable. iPhone and iPad have now revolutionized the games, handheld, if not console. Don’t you think an iPod touch can do much more?
Regarding deleting the images, when you are on the tile view of album, there is an arrow on top-right, if you press that, you can select multiple photo/videos, and delete at once. Sometimes I find that handy if I have to delete a bunch of random pics my 2yr old daughter took.
Hi iRewardChart, I’m so glad you commented on this article. My twins bought their Nintendo 3DS devices by saving up the money they earned from achieving stars on your amazing app! (Well, that and some birthday money from their grandfather.) So you are the direct reason my girls have their 3DS’s. ๐
My girls prefer gaming on their Nintendo devices to the iPod Touch. They may not be typical, but they love the 3DS. Their only complaint is that not more of their friends have them. But the price drop might change that.
I agree with you that Apple certainly seems to be destroying Nintendo. But I also have to wonder why Nintendo hasn’t marketed the 3DS more and introduced more games.
Thank you very much for mentioning the way to delete multiple images. I should have included that handy tip in my answer!
Thanks, iRewardChart, for your visit, helpful comment and tweets and incredible app! ๐
Hey nice innovative approach to answer questions about technology from readers. It really shows that you care about them. The next time i have any doubt i will head straight over to you:D Tc
Hi karan, I get many questions each week from Wonder of Tech readers and I figure if one person has a question, others probably are wondering the same thing.
I hope you do come here with your tech questions! The Wonder of Tech is here to help. ๐
Thanks so much, Karen, for your visit and very kind comment! ๐
Back in June 2011 I took my 10-year-old grandson to Disney in Florida. He brought his Nintendo DS with him and it was ruined by a bottle of water. He desperately wants a 3DS but the current cost is prohibitive. I’m thrilled the price is dropping as of 8/12/11 and will definitely purchase it for him now. Glad I waited. Thanks for the heads up!!
Hi Ana, What a shame for your grandson to ruin his DS at Disney. I bet that put a damper on a great trip!
Make sure to check out The Wonder of Tech blog, Protect Your Tech! You may consider getting a Square Trade warranty for the 3DS that will protect against all sorts of damage.
Thanks so much for your visit and wonderful comment! ๐