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Usually when I discover an awesome app, I want to tell all my friends. Sharing exciting tech is the whole reason I started writing this blog. But the app I’m going to tell you about is so secret, you’re not going to want to tell a soul.
I usually love you spreading the word about tech to your friends. But if you keep this app secret, I couldn’t blame you a bit. I’ve only told one person about this and, to my knowledge, she has kept my secret.
But I simply have to share this amazing app with you, dear readers. It’s just too delicious not to share. Even if you never use this app, the mere knowledge that you have the app is pure power and fun.
What is this amazing app? Fake-A-Call. This app will ring your Android phone, iPhone or iPod Touch as if you were receiving a call. (Note: this app works on the iPad too, but I don’t think you would be fooling many people if you got a fake call on your iPad.) The app will make a fake call to you and then you answer as if you were receiving a real call.
Fake-A-Call is free in the iTunes App Store and the Android Market.
App Features
The app is loaded with customized features. You can select which person in your contact list to use, and the app will show the person’s picture and contact information, as if you were getting a real call.
You can program Fake-A-Call to ring at a set time, after a certain period of time has passed (one, three or five minutes, the Countdown setting), or immediately. On the iPhone and iPod Touch, you can even fake a FaceTime video call.
You can choose who is calling you, one of your friends or a pre-set fake caller. If you use one of the pre-set callers, the app will play a scripted voice so it sounds like you are having a conversation. Best to practice ahead of time so you know what your responses will be.
The app’s fake callers include Harry, asking for bail money; the Rental Office, telling you about a flood; and Grandma Sue, with a FaceTime video call, telling you that Aunt Sue is in the hospital. (Although it’s very cool that the app can fake a video call, you may not want to use this fake call because the grandmother looks way too young to be a grandmother, unless you’re three years old.)
You can choose to add someone from your contacts to the list of fake callers but there won’t be a voice on the other end of the call. In addition to the three fake callers, you can buy other fake callers with fake scripts as in-app purchases, for $0.99 each.
Customized Options:
Picture of Caller
Time when call happens (set time, Countdown or immediate)
Picture of Lock Screen
Number of rings
Vibration on or off
Script used
Voice Message
FaceTime video call, using their video or one you have pre-recorded (not available on Android)
You need to choose these option ahead of time because you don’t want to be setting the app when anyone is watching. Just be sure not to close the app before you receive the “call”.
You can customize the calls in so many ways, you could probably use this app indefinitely and never have the same fake calls twice. You’re only limited by your imagination about who is calling, the picture you use for them and the songs for your ringtones.
Using the App
The key to using this app is discretion. No one should be able to tell that you’re faking a call. The developers understand this and have even camouflaged the icon so people don’t know you’re using the app. The app is titled “FAC” for Fake-A-Call.

You can choose the image that shows as you keep the app open. After all, you don’t want anyone accidentally seeing your phone or iPod Touch open to the app. The developers have used discretion with this feature too. Here is a picture of my fake screen when the app is open on my iPhone:
See? No one would know that’s not my real phone screen.
The funny thing is, I’ve never used Fake-A-Call. I’ve had it ready for a meeting or two. But I’ve never needed to use it. The point is, I am empowered just knowing I can use it if I need to.
But I’m not sure whether I could actually use it. First, I’m a little afraid I would get caught. Then no one would ever truly trust me again. Integrity is hard earned and easily lost.
Second, I’m also not thoroughly convinced that I could keep a straight face while I was faking my call. I could just see myself bursting out in a fit of giggles as Grandma Sue tells me that Aunt Sue is in the hospital. Not good.
But even though I’ve never used the app and am unsure that I could use it effectively, it’s still one of my favorite apps. I keep it ready, just in case.
You might have a pressing need for this app. Headed out on a first date? Not sure if the date will be with Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong? Program Fake-A-Call in the event you need a convenient excuse to ditch him and avoid spending the evening bored to tears hearing, “Nobody can cook as good as my mama.” Or perhaps you’re anticipating a boring meeting with pointless people babbling inane terms like “maximizing synergistic paradigms.” Consider using Fake-A-Call to duck out and get some real work done.
Bottom Line
The next time you are facing a situation when you might need a handy excuse to depart, consider using Fake-A-Call as your easy exit.
Have you ever needed an app like Fake-A-Call? Have you ever faced awkward situations you desperately wanted to exit? Let us know in the Comments section below!
If you would be so kind, I would greatly appreciate a vote today for Philadelphia’s Most Valuable Blogger Contest!
Thank you. I am much obliged!
This app would suit me, I would use it on my family. Take the call and end it quickly. Then say ‘ bloody lottery, why don’t they just send me the money!’
I have good odds on the photo contest, it wasn’t doing too well; few entries. So the PR department publicised it! No website address and wrong email address! They even changed the rules to allow my entry, they are desperate. I know when I’m dealing with bureaucrats! I could win! π
Hi Mike, Yes, the app can come in handy with family members too, so long as they don’t know about it!
I agree, short and sweet is the best. I love your line about the lottery, though that may not be the best one to use on a date. At hearing the word “Lottery”, your date may glom on to you like chewing gum on your shoe!
The PR Department at the hospital was wise to allow your entry. They are fortunate to have such a skilled artist in their midst!
Thanks so much, Mike, for your visit and brilliant comment. π
Oh that’s hilarious Carolyn…
Man wish they had this about 20 years ago. That would have been so cool. But it’s really kind of neat… If you are in a bad situation, that’s a great thing to have. I can see why that one would be on your list as favorites.
Thanks for not keeping it a secret. See, I would have had no idea this kind of thing even existed had it not been for you. You rock girl!
Enjoy your day, I’m still voting!!!
Hi Adrienne, I’m so glad you read this post. I thought of you as I was writing it because I know you love fun, cool apps like this. Make sure you grab it for your new iPod Touch. It’s free!
Thanks so much, Adrienne, for your visit, tweets, awesome comment and very helpful votes! π
π <— Do you see that right there Carolyn… That comes from me reading this awesome post, then realizing I can't use it. π
Although, I'm sure it's going to be time for me to update or make a purchase soon, and when that time finally arrives… It Is On! π I love the idea of this App. This App has the potential to be my new best friend. lol
Now! If I could only find an unexpectant soul to buy me an Ipad. Let me take a quick stroll through my address book… Christmas is fastly approaching maybe that's what should make my list this year.
I should probably continue being nice then, huh? π lol
My vote is in and I shared it once more as well too. π Thank you as well for stopping by my blog this morning. Greatly appreciative of that.
Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.
Yes, Deeone, I do see that sad face. Congratulations on figuring out the smiley plugin which doesn’t work too well with the Modern Blogger theme. Well done.
Yes, you should definitely continue being nice. But I seriously don’t think you should use this app with an iPad. How many folks do you see using the iPad as a phone? It can be done, but it looks strange.
You could always use an iPod Touch with this app. It’s cheaper than an iPhone or iPad and most people can’t tell the difference between an iPhone and an iPod Touch.
Thanks so much for your awesome votes, Deeone, as well as the shoutout. Your support is greatly appreciated. Keep being nice, yes, please do! π
Oops… I guess I looked like a complete moron there on putting the wrong I-thingy. lol Thanks for the correction though. And for being super sweet about it. π You’re the best.
That’s too funny. I have no excuse… I just need to pay much more attention to detail. π
Enjoy the rest of your evening. π
Actually, Deeone, you are quite tech savvy. The iPad is a phone. The 3G iPads even have their own phone numbers. To use the iPad as a phone all you need is an app (a real one not a fake call app) and I suggest using earbuds with a microphone so you don’t have to hold the iPad up to your ear.
It’s just that most people don’t know that the iPad is a phone, so they would be suspicious of the Fake-A-Call app on the iPad. So you are actually more tech savvy than most folks. π
Awesome! I actually had no clue Carolyn… thanks for that tid bit. π That’s super cool. I love this site! π
Awesome! The Wonder of Tech loves happy readers. π
There has been a meeting or two I would have liked to get out of. Interesting app; most meeting now are asking everyone to ‘silence’ their phones.
Where do you come up w/ this stuff? How many apps do you have, like a zillion?
Hey Bill, I thought this app might be the one that pushed you over the edge to getting a smartphone.
There are 500,000 apps in the iTunes App Store and about 300,000 apps in the Android Market. I might be missing a few.
When the iTunes App Store first launched, I knew all the apps. I kept up with them until about 1000 apps, when Apple changed iTunes so they no longer listed the new apps of the day.
But I kind of like this stuff. Weird, huh?
Thanks so much, Bill, for your shoutout, votes, awesome tweets and brilliant comment. Can’t wait for your big announcement tomorrow!
Not weird, you are just inquisitive…………:)
Yes, I am an inquirer! That’s it. Good call. π
Now that is a cool app that I gotta try. My friends are gonna go crazy with me getting calls from TOP people all day long. Thanks Carolyn. Any interesting pranks that you played on your friends?
Hi Eddie, This app would make for great pranks! But my problem is I can’t use this app with a straight face. I have a tendency to giggle with this stuff, I’m not very good at acting. Better to blog when people can’t tell the expression on your face! :-j
Thanks so much for stopping by, Eddie and leaving your awesome comment!
Carolyn, aloha> Truly a great app; thx so much for sharing it.
While I don’t have a need for it, I have a friend who does. She is frequently fixed up on blind dates and has mentioned on more than one occasion that she wished there were a way to fake-a-call. Since she has an iPhone; this will be perfect. Can’t wait to share the good news with her and I promise to keep you posted on.the results.
Can’t believe you know 1,000+ apps. Amazing.
Best wishes for a terrific rest of the week. Aloha. Janet
Hi Janet, You’re right, this would be a perfect app for your friend! My parents met on a blind date, so I was a big believer in them during my single days, despite plenty of evidence to the contrary.
I would have bought a smartphone just for this app to get out of some of my blind dates. Yikes!
Thanks so much, Janet, for stopping by and leaving a fabulous comment. Mahalo!
Hi Carolyn,
I just had to stop by before driving to the airport π
This app sounds amazing. I’ll definitively have to take a closer look at it once I get back home. I don’t think that I’ll be needing it in Italy. Well, come to think about it, I’m going to be at a weddingβ¦ so, maybe I should download it before I leave π
Thanks a lot for sharing your secret app.
Hi Jens, Thank for stopping by my blog on the way to the airport! You should definitely check out this app when you return from your trip to Italy.
Yes, you could use the app at a wedding. But I’ve never been to a wedding in Italy before. I imagine that it will be not only fun, but filled with yummy food. Who would want to exit that?
Have a great time on your holiday and best wishes for much happiness to the bride and groom! π
This is an amazing get out, it should come pre installed!
Hi Kev, I agree, this app is truly amazing. But if it came pre-installed on smartphones, everyone would know about it and be suspicious of calls that allow you to exit meetings and first dates. I think a key factor of this app is that it’s secret. So please keep it a secret, okay? π
Yeah, I have lots of experiences with this kind of situation not only with people I know but also with others too. Absolutely a helpful but funny way to escape non-sense discussion with other people! Now, I can make an excuse to exit LOL