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Facebook just reported one billion active visitors last month, confirming its position as the most powerful social media site. While many people view Facebook as a site for sharing photos, cute cat videos and status updates, Facebook can also be used as an efficient organizational tool. Facebook can help you share information, alert you to upcoming events, provide you with updates and help you with research for schools.
Facebook Groups
You can use Facebook groups to organize group activities for sports teams, PTA committees, fundraising groups and classroom group projects. Form a group and invite members so they can interact with each other and get notified by email in their timeline with group updates. Make key participants administrators of the group so they can post updates and add new events. Let group members post updates and photos so people can share in the fun of the events and give feedback.
For example, a school soccer team could form a Facebook group, complete with the practice and game schedule, maps to away games, photos from games and the team roster. The team could post alerts for weather cancellations, schedule changes and playoff games. The group could organize an end of the season party, sending out invitations and keeping track of responses.
Teachers can use Facebook groups to distribute lecture notes, assignments, and course outlines. They can coordinate with parents for classroom and field trip volunteers. PTA’s can use groups to recruit volunteers, organize fundraisers, and share information about upcoming events.
Facebook Events
Use Facebook events to notify people about important events at school.
- Teachers can create events for upcoming tests, field trips, class parties and other activities.
- Students can use events to schedule study sessions.
- PTA’s can use events to notify members of meetings, fundraisers and other activities.
Facebook and Dropbox
Recently Dropbox announced integration with Facebook. Now you can link your accounts and share your Dropbox files with others in your Facebook group. Share class notes, photos from events, study outlines, study group documents and videos from sporting events or school plays from Dropbox to Facebook groups.
Facebook as an Information Resource
If you’re looking at colleges, graduate schools or K-12 schools, visit the school’s website to get timely information about school events. See photos of the campus, student life, classrooms, dormitories, dining halls and activities. Look at the engagement with students, faculty and alumni. Like or subscribe to the school’s Facebook page to get notices of updates and events.
Facebook Apps
Use Facebook apps to help make Facebook an even more effective tool. Check out the Facebook app Groups for Schools to help keep your school group organized. Chegg My Courses lets you share your course schedule with your friends and form study groups with those who have similar schedules. Admission Splash helps you predict which universities will accept your application. lets students and teachers connect using chat, shared screens and video.
Bottom Line
Think of Facebook as more than a social sharing site. Consider Facebook as a tech tool to help you stay organized, share information with others, and learn.
Have you used Facebook as a tool for school? Have you formed a Facebook group at your school? Let us know in the Comments section below!
*Chalkboard Like image from Fybrid Photos
Interesting indeed, Carolyn!
I never really thought there was so much you can really do with Facebook! I admit, I use it mainly as a social sharing site and mainly to interact with fellow bloggers, friends, and family. Yes, I do have a fan page and have joined groups, but those again are for sharing posts or information with one another.
You surely gave a wonderful idea about using Facebook to form groups for school, and yes, teachers surely can distribute a lot of relevant matter to their students this way.
I need to let my kids know about this and let’s hope they come out of the usual social sharing they do with their friends and learn to use it for something worthwhile.
Thanks for sharing and letting us know more about Facebook. ๐
Hi Harleena, I’m so glad you found this helpful. We’re all familiar with Facebook for social sharing, but the platform can be much more than that. Sometimes we just need to look at tech in a different way to see its potential.
I hope your daughters find this helpful, Harleena! ๐
Did you see the new FB ad?
I am already addicted to FB and I use it to keep in touch with family and friends. Have been using it too long now! I am active in a couple of groups and it helps me loads in my blogging work! ๐
Hi Hajra, Yes, I just gave you more reasons to be addicted to Facebook. ๐ These tips can really be applied to anyone not just those who are involved in education. You could share documents and photos with Facebook groups using Dropbox if you were working on a group project for blogging.
It’s great you’re already using Facebook as an effective blogging tool, Hajra. And you’re right, it’s fun to use Facebook to keep in touch with friends and family as well!
The Facebook ad is very cool. They are using ads for the first time which is very interesting.
I should say that I was really not impressed with the FB ad…they could have done better. I did not feel there was any clear message conveyed.
I don’t like it either. I mean I am addicted already but it isn’t convincing enough for a new user… that’s what I feel.
How cool is that? I think I liked it better when all you did was show up; now it looks like there is some work involved with it too……..
One billion; I think that’s the reach of my tribe mates now that I have for some reason joined some mega-tribes. I really need to figure out how to bring value instead of just a steady stream of tweets from a whole new group of strangers I know nothing about………..hmmm……….oh yeah, this was a Facebook post, not Triberr. What in the heck was I thinking.
Hi Bill, Yes, you can just show up to Facebook still. No problem with that. But if you want to use Facebook as a tool, you can, even for business.
I’d love to have an off-line chat with you about Triberr sometime, Bill. Having a billion followers is very impressive! ๐
Not followers; my reach through my Triberr connections and really only 17.2 mil… cool would it be if I got every one of them to send me a quarter? See…….I’m not greedy……..:).
That’s very impressive, Bill, but I think you should go for 1 billion…followers…and charge each $1. Your tweets are that good. :-bd
Wow, Dropbox is now integrated with Facebook Carolyn? I had someone introduce me to this program and although I’ve not used it a lot, it’s very convenient I must add.
Now I was aware of all the rest but there are so many people who aren’t so what a great summary of everything.
Great share Carolyn, thank you so much.
Hi Adrienne, Thank you for your kind words. Yes, Dropbox and Facebook are now connected. You can only share Dropbox files within groups for now, but if you wanted to share your files with just one person, you could form a group for the two of you and then share the files.
This is a very recent development, but greatly enhances the utility of both services.
Absolutely! These days, we hear many interesting stories about FaceBook and it’s utilization. I like the School team game alert option and surely would be helpful to inform everyone with just a single FB update.
Also, Many professional collages and B-Schools has officially announced and agreed to use IPAD’s at collage campus and students can take notes on it. Being said, FB notes kind of integration features would really help students to share info quickly and can keep well organized.
Thanks for sharing the information.
Hi Manickam, Great point. By using mobile devices such as the iPad, you can access your Facebook on the go so can check on group updates and Dropbox files. I’s handy to have that information when you’re away from your computer.
Hey Carolyn,
As social media has gained a lot of reputation among every age group but far from its name Facebook is the first name that comes in everybody’s mind.I think it has crossed all limits when it comes to socialize and share things.
Now Dropbox has emerged with Facebook i am thinking what new one can do to utilize the great use of this networking site.
Hi Aditya, Yes, with so many people on Facebook, you don’t have to worry about them downloading new software or signing up for a new service. You can just have them check their Facebook pages, which they’re probably doing anyway. ๐
I must be one of the only young people in the western world who don’t use Facebook.
I am thinking about it though.
Lots of people say it’s good for business etc, but I just see it as yet another way just to keep in touch.
Not sure if I’ll join, maybe should give it more thought. Nice post.
Hi Jay, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! You aren’t alone, I know plenty of people who aren’t on Facebook. I even know some who don’t have a computer and aren’t on the Internet. Facebook is useful, both for keeping in touch and as an organizational tool.
It also helps if your friends are on Facebook. If you’re constantly hearing about people’s Facebook updates, you’ll probably want to see what the fuss is all about.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us, Jay!
Hi Carolyn,
I am in a few of Facebook groups and admin of one. There are a few Facebook things that are useful, like events. I was invited to one last month and went to a musical evening. I share a lot of things on Facebook. I think it could be improved, the Chinese equivalent is better; apart from being in Chinese!
You’ll like today’s Neodigital Art blog – very cultural. I took photos at a Damian Hirst exhibition…
Hi Mike, That’s a great example of how to use Facebook groups. My kids are now getting invited to birthday parties through Facebook events. It’s such an easy way to organize the events that I’m not surprised it’s being used more and more.
While you were leaving your comment here, I was at your place enjoying your photos! ๐
Hi Carolyn
Thank you for the walk through. I was not aware of the Dropbox integration. I am not sure that I will be using it, but it is always nice with some options to choose from.
Hi Thomas, Good point, you may not need Dropbox integration now, but it’s great to know that it’s there when you need it! ๐
Hi Carolyn,
Thanks for the round up of what we can use Facebook for and the benefits that go with it.
I’ve created a couple of events there to help advertise my video challenges, I had a few people join up through those events.
I also created a Fan Page for the last challenge where everyone could add their links, videos, tips etc this went down well at the time but doesn’t get a lot of use at present…. but I’ll be correcting that as and when I can ๐
I am a member of a few groups and love the way they work, although I don’t like being added without prior arrangement. I’ve been added to some and first thing I know about it is when I check my emails and see it full of notifications ๐
Used in the correct manor, and as you detailed in the post, I can see that they’ll be a huge benefit to those that use them, especially when it’s all tied together with apps and schedules.
Excellent post thanks Carolyn ๐
Hi Barry, So great to see you back here at The Wonder of Tech! It sounds as if you have had a great experience with Facebook groups. You’re right, the tips here can be used for businesses as well as for back to school events.
I agree with you about groups inviting people without checking first. I wrote a post earlier this year about how to leave a Facebook group because I was hearing from so many people who were added to groups that they didn’t want to join.
But used in an effective way, groups can be a very powerful Facebook tool.
Hi Carolyn,
Nice article! I have to take advantage of the Dropbox integration that sounds neat.
More and more I find myself spending gravatating towards Facebook Groups. It seems to be the best way to filter out the “noise” of the regular stream. The trick is to find the right groups.
Thanks for the info.
Hi Ileane, Welcome back to The Wonder of Tech! Yes, I think you’ll really enjoy using Dropbox with Facebook groups.
Good point about the filtering aspects of Facebook groups. Sometimes when you only have a few moments to hop on Facebook, you want to see targeted posts and groups can help you do that.
You’re also right about needing to find groups that are the right fit. The content and posting frequency have to work for you!
Indeed, Facebook has so many uses beyond the function of catching up on friends’ lives. Just recently I saw this post from a young girl I know who is campaigning for her Homecoming Queen Title on Facebook. There are also quite a lot of groups and pages that are formed for those seeking jobs. These pages are divides into industry based jobs. I think the possibilities with Facebook are endless. All we need to do is look beyond the ordinary.
Hi Joseph, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! I hadn’t thought of campaigning for Homecoming Queen as a use for Facebook, but it makes sense. Students could use it for campaigning for student council offices as well. You’re right, the possibilities are endless! ๐
I finished school but even if I still was in school I wouldn’t use facebook as a school tool. What is the point in joining a social network if my teachers are also present there, lol. Seriously, let’s leave school stuff for the actual school. Just my opinion.
Hi Cristian, You’re right, most kids probably don’t want to friend their teachers on Facebook. But they can join a Facebook group with a teacher without being Facebook friends with the teacher.
Hi Caroline,
Its a huge milestone for facebook ( 1 billion) notwithstanding its performance on the stock market. In my opinion, Facebook should have not hurried up to stock market because it has got a lot of potential still remaining. I also read that they are now going to create a “want” button and put it beside the product somewhere( hopefully not on the wall ) ;).
They have really got the power now to provide advertisers and general public what it needs. If only they were more careful with privacy, but I feel it is getting better with time. Facebook is a internet product that I use the most now.
Have a great day ๐
Hi Ashvini, Good point, by having so many active members, Facebook is a very powerful platform. They need to sort out monetization but they have a lot of potential to be profitable, if they figure out the right method that satisfies users, investors and advertisers.
You have really thought about this, haven’t you Carolyn?
Facebook group can indeed be useful; we use it for managing our cricket club (it’s much for efficient than calling or texting everyone about events and other things).
As with using FB for classrooms, that is indeed a great idea. But, I don’t think teachers will be willing to implement that (because there is a chance that students will take that as an excuse to spend more time on Facebook and since there are so many distractions on Facebook, it is hard to focus on the study material).
Unless of course Facebook develops a “student” account or student mode which teachers of respective classes can look over ๐
Hi Jeevan, That’s great that you use Facebook to organize your cricket team. You’re right, it’s an efficient way to alert everyone of events and schedule changes.
Good point about teachers not wanting students to spend more time on Facebook. It’s pretty hard to imagine a teacher saying, “Okay Class, open up your Facebook pages.” ๐
As much as I would love my professor to tell me that, I would prefer that they don’t (because I pay the college for learning!).
As with school, I don’t think those tax dollars should go for nothing (I mean if time is being wasted on Fb, you can imagine the situation, right?)
FB can be a big distractor (it already is; I see many peeps in college surfing the internet unnecessarily on FB during the class, but thankfully most all professor note it when something “fishy” goes on during class).
Yes, it’s hard to imagine that Facebook will ever allow users to restrict Facebook access to a single group. At my daughter’s school they block Facebook on weeknights so studying can get done. But they wouldn’t be able to do that if the teachers were using it as a homework tool for the students.
I had no idea that dropbox works with facebook like that. That’s a great resource. I have been sharing a lot of files with friends, and instead of emailing everything I can share them via Facebook too. Some of my friends are more on Facebook than on email, so to reach them I am going to use dropbox.
I used Facebook a lot when I worked at the University. It was the easiest way to connect with the students, and it was so much easier to organize events at the University too. Close to everybody was using Facebook already, and they were logged in most of the day, and when we shared something it spread to most of the students within a few hours.
Hi Jens, Yes, Dropbox integration with Facebook is a new feature. As of now it only works with Facebook groups.
Yes, plenty of people go on Facebook more than email so using Dropbox with Facebook makes a lot of sense.
Hi Carolyn, I must say I found this post very interesting. I mean who would’ve thought? Even the comments have mentioned quite a few uses that you can put Facebook to. As far as I know, I’ve seen some group pages and company pages that go beyond giving information and have an active marketing strategy. But what you’ve mentioned is so much more. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Peter, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! I’m glad you found this article and the comments helpful. You’re right, we spend so much time visiting Facebook, it’s useful to get ideas that make it a more powerful tool for us.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us. ๐
It is amazing how we can go beyond the ordinary use of Facebook and do a huge amount of other things. Some of the things like the dropbox, I wouldn’t know if I hadn’t read it here. Thank you for sharing this with us Carolyn.
Hi Kersti, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! You’re right, we can just think of Facebook for its ordinary use: social sharing. But by seeing the other uses of Facebook we can take advantage of its full potential. ๐