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Halloween is a holiday designed for the creativity – for Halloween you can let your imagination run wild and be anyone you want to be. Scary, heroic, beautiful, funny: the choice is yours. Shed your everyday persona and show the world your dreams… or nightmares.
Pinterest can help inspire your Halloween creativity with ideas for costumes, parties, recipes, decorations, haunted houses and more. Follow Halloween-themed Pinterest boards to get ideas and share your ideas with others. Discover new ideas from Pinterest to make this Halloween an amazing and memorable event!
โ Also see, Have a Frightfully Fun Halloween with Pinterest!
Halloween Costume Boards
There’s nothing quite like having the coolest Halloween costume at the party. Many inventive costumes are simple, it’s the idea that’s difficult. Here are some fantastic boards to inspire your costume for this year:
Costume Crypt by Pinterest with clever costume and makeup ideas.

The Halloween Board from Jordan Ferney is filled with adorable costumes, delicious recipes and fun decorating ideas!

The DIY Costumes board by Sarah Ward is filled with great ideas for costumes for adults, kids and couples, along with ideas for decorating your home for Halloween.

Want to get your pet in on the Halloween fun? Check out the Cute Pet Costumes board by John Paul Pet.

Halloween Recipes
Discover recipe ideas from Martha Stewart Living’s Halloween Recipes board.

Check out Halloween recipes from the Eat Drink and Be Scary board from Kathy Van Clapdurp.

Make this edible glowing spider web posted on the Halloween Ideas board from JDaniels4’s Mom.

Check out the group board Halloween One Spot for Halloween ideas such as this Vanilla Pumpkin Pie Martini recipe:

Halloween Decorating Ideas
Karringtyn Russell’s Halloween boardย has plenty of costume, makeup and decorating ideas for Halloween.

Discover fun decorating ideas from Diane Zillich’s Harvest Time Halloween and Thanksgiving Board:

Halloween Pumpkins
Check out the Halloween board from Leslie Pleasants for decorating ideas such as these painted pumpkins:

Get even more ideas for your pumpkins from the Pumpkin Carving Ideas group board.

Other Halloween Inspiration
Get Halloween craft ideas from Carolyn’s Halloween Fun board.

This isn’t a Pinterest board, but here’s a fun costume idea you can make with iPads:
Explore on Your Own!
Search Pinterest for #Halloween and any other keywords that interest you, such as #costume or #recipes, to help you find even more Pinterest boards to help you enjoy the festivities.
Your Thoughts
Are you celebrating Halloween? What are your Halloween plans? Have you discovered any Halloween ideas using Pinterest? What will be your Halloween costume this year? Let us know in the Comments section below!
Hi Carolyn,
I did an Halloween inspired edit the other night and was thinking of other buildings that would spooky in grey scale! I could do a Halloween food post and mix in some stories of medieval witchcraft! ๐
Hi Mike, Yes, some of your photos would be perfect for the Halloween season, especially with your brilliant edits! :-bd
Nice research Carolyn !
I visited the cute pet costume board and the recipe boards . They had some very interesting images . Creating such costumes and recipes isn’t a joke as it not only requires power to think different but also hard work .Hats off to the creators and thanks for sharing those pinterest boards with us .
Hi Pramod, Excellent point. The creativity is the hard work. Some of these ideas are very easy and fun for Halloween but the ideas are the challenge. How wonderful that people are willing to share their ideas with us on Pinterest!
Hi Carolyn,
Wow, talk about the wonder of tech. The video costume idea using your ipad is amazing. I never would have thought of that.
I especially like all the clever and colorful Halloween recipe ideas. I like to cook so making interesting foods for show is fun for me.
Thanks for all these great ideas.
Liz ๐
Hi Liz, I’m so glad you like these Pinterest boards. If you like to cook, then you will enjoy these fun and creative recipes for Halloween tricks.
Yes, that iPad costume is very cool. What an inventive way to use Face Time to simulate a hole in your body! (~~)
I can only imagine what I’ll find if I start nosing around over on Pinterest Carolyn. I’m staying away from that site but I found myself last night going through YouTube finding scary funny pranks for Halloween to share on Facebook. You know me, I love sharing stuff that makes you laugh or is just worth sharing darn it.
I do love to see how inventive some people are I will admit though. I loved these photos and of course the little kid and the dog were my favorites. Pretty cool trick with the shirt too in that video. My goodness, the lengths some people will go to.
Pretty awesome, thanks for sharing.
Hi Adrienne, You’re very wise. As much as I love researching Pinterest articles, I always get caught up in the boards, finding fun pins! For every pin I list in this article, there were at least 10 others on each of these boards that I could have used. Pinterest is so addictive because it’s so much fun!
Yes, I’m not one of those people who can come up with inventive ideas such as these Halloween pins, but I sure do enjoy seeing what others can come up with.
That iPad trick is amazing. I know how he did it, but I never would have thought of doing that myself.
Hi Carolyn,
Sorry for being late this time…my connectivity problems still creating havoc due to the heavy rains this end – but I’m glad it’s alright now ๐
Oh yes….I’m seeing lots of pins on Halloween every single day and even got an email from Pinterest about all these awesome boards, which made me click them – and there went a few hours…lol.. But it was fun going through all the Halloween boards of recipes, things to do, party ideas, costumes etc.
My Mom used to encourage us to dress up and have fun with our friends on this day, because we usually don’t celebrate it our end – so it was all the more fun to do something different from the rest. Similarly, I do the same with my kids, but that’s about all. They used to get their friends over and party all night, dressed up in those spooky costumes and play those scary sounds to get that eerie feeling…all for the fun of it.
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead ๐
Hi Harleena, You’re certainly not late, it’s always great to see you here at The Wonder of Tech! I’m so glad you enjoyed these Halloween Pinterest boards. It’s wonderful to hear about Halloween celebrated in other countries, especially dressing up in costumes. I always loved it as a kid and enjoy it now when I go to our neighborhood Halloween party!
Yes, the recipes are particularly fun, the treats you can make easily can really help put everyone in the holiday spirit! :-bd
Those were novel ideas. Now “Trick or Treat”
Hi Jerry, I’m so glad you liked the creative ideas of these Pinterest boards. Happy Halloween to you too! (~~)
Thanks for sharing! And thanks for getting me motivated to get my Halloween decorations out. I see a few board here that can certainly help in my decorating skills, which are a bit lacking. And I love the dog costume board – but somehow I don’t think I’ll be able to get my 90 pound furry beast to keep one on.
Have a spooktastic Halloween!
Hi Carol, Yes, it’s fun to get into the Halloween spirit. That Pinterest board has plenty of dog costumes for you to pick the perfect one for your pooch!
I don’t spend much time on Pinterest as it is a real time hog. I always seem to waste to much time when I go there.
Those are a lot of really cute ideas though. I may have to go and look for things for Halloween.
Thanks for the information.
Dee Ann
Hi Dee Ann, Some people enjoy perusing through others’ creative ideas on Pinterest. You’re right, it’s easy to get lost on Pinterest and spend more time than you intended to when you arrived. If you’re looking for ideas for Halloween, you’ll have a treasure trove of inspiration on Pinterest!