The estimated reading time for this post is 7 minutes
I am truly honored to introduce today’s guest author, Joshua Wilner. He’s a writer and marketer who writes fascinating, entertaining, edgy and thought-provoking articles at his website, I’ve known Joshua through the blogging world and through an international Mastermind group we’re members of together. Joshua is a fan of tech and The Wonder of Tech and I’m thrilled to have him share his recent tech experience with you here today.
If we were talking in person I’d gesture at you to come closer so that I could tell you a secret. But if you came up too close I might scream, “get out of my face, I can’t breathe!”
Ok, I wouldn’t really scream but I would hope you didn’t come close enough to kiss me. I am friendly and affectionate but there are limits to who I share my affection with. I suppose it is only fair to mention that it is the cell phone sales person that is responsible for this story.
You see my current cell phone can’t decide if it wants to remain employed by me. It has been both unreliable and unpredictable and were it actually a person I would terminate it with prejudice because it has been that difficult to work with.
Except it is not a person, it is just an electronic tool that I rely upon far more than I want to.
I Like Technology/Gadgets
I technology and I like gadgets. Not only do I like them both but I am tech savvy and good at working with whatever gadget I have at or in hand. Notice I don’t call myself an expert but I do say I know enough to figure out how to make them work and have enough common sense to know when to ask for help.
I think I got my first cell phone around 1995 or so. I was working as a youth director back then and the office got a phone for us to use in case parents needed to contact us while we were on an outing with the kids.
I know they described it as a mobile phone but it was huge, a monstrosity of a phone that belonged in a war movie. I used to say it should be used to call in an air strike because it looked like it belonged on the back of some GI who would shlep it around until the officer grabbed ahold of it and desperately called for help.
Anyway I moved on from the beast through a series of other phones, most of them your standard now old-fashioned flip phones and eventually transitioned into the realm of smart phones with a Palm Pilot.
Mostly loved my three Palms because of the novelty of having something that was easy to email, text and surf the net but I didn’t really get into phones until I got my first BlackBerry.
Great googly moogly, talk about something that made it truly easy to use as both a telephone and writing device. I owned a multitude of ‘Berrie’s and dragged my feet about moving to something else because I didn’t think it would be as easy to text/write with.
And I was write, er right.
Enter The Android
I have owned several ‘Droids that compensated for the challenge in writing with providing multiple apps and functions that improved my productivity and made it easy to work from a remote office.
About two years ago that was enhanced by my purchase of a Samsung Galaxy Note 2.
Some people referred to it as a phablet because it was twice as big as every other phone. Ok, it wasn’t twice as big but it was substantially bigger and more than a few people commented about its size.
They asked me if it was uncomfortable to use or carry and I told them no. I have a big hands so holding it was never a problem and the larger screen made reading/working much easier on my eyes.
Did I mention how nice it made flying?
I could watch any movie I wanted, read books using the Kindle app or play games on it. It almost made traveling with my laptop optional. I still took it with me because from a productivity standpoint I could still get far more done on the computer than the phone but I didn’t take it out on the plane and that pleased me.
Every now and then some of my friends would ask me why I was devoted to the Android world and told me it was a mistake not to move to an iPhone.
“Josh, you need to get into Apple. Their products are superior. Their computers last longer and the iPhone is the best smartphone on the market.”
I used to smile and nod my head. Sometimes I would ask them how much Lord Voldemort, er Steve Jobs, was paying them to drink the Kool-Aid and explain that the fervor about Apple was why I didn’t want to get into it.
Something about what appeared to be blind loyalty bothered me a bit so for a while I pushed back against it by not even considering the phone. If you said that was arbitrary and unreasonable I would agree with you because it is and it was.
However when I looked at my Samsung Galaxy Note and compared it to the iPhone I always thought my Note was superior primarily because of the screen size and ability to more easily expand the memory.
And Then Came The Change
For a long while the smaller screen size was of major importance to me. A larger screen is much easier on my eyes and I felt it made it easier on my eyes and enhanced my productivity. I also paid close attention to the memory issues.
I bought the 16 GB Note and then purchased a couple of 32 GB MicroSD cards. The cards are tiny and easily swapped in and out of the phone so I effectively increased the memory with minimal effort and for far less than it would have cost to purchase the 128 GB iPhone.
What I haven’t mentioned so far is that the other three users in my house are all using Apple products. We have two iPhones and an iPod Touch. Nor did I mention that a certain daughter who has dark eyes, freckles and curly hair has asked her father to FaceTime with her on multiple occasions and then sighed deeply when I said I couldn’t do it because I didn’t own an iPhone.
Somewhere after that sigh and with her encouragement I took a look at the iPhone 6 Plus and was very pleased with what I saw. The larger screen size took care of one concern and the time I spent playing with the phone made it appear to be one that will cover the rest of my primary needs.
The biggest question on my mind is whether to spend extra money on buying a 64 GB iPhone instead of a 16 GB, especially since I can upgrade to a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and use the expandable memory.
Technically I don’t have to FaceTime with the family because I can Skype or Google Hangout with them but I admit to being very curious about the iPhone. I think it might be time for me to learn firsthand if it is as stable as people claim and to see what it is like to be part of the Apple ecosystem. I am a heavy user of iTunes at home so it might simplify some things to have a phone that doesn’t need special programs to integrate with it.
I Don’t Want To Kiss You
If you are skimming this and focused solely upon the subheads you’ll probably scrunch up your face and wonder why the hell we are talking about kissing in a post about cellphones. Well the answer to your question is around the fifth sentence. I’ll type slowly so you can read it and catch up.
The day I went to check out the iPhone 6 Plus a helpful salesman at the store tried hard to convince me to buy the phone. I won’t fault him for his enthusiasm but I would suggest he work on his listening skills and remember the importance of being aware of personal space.
If only there was an app for that…
You can find more of Joshua Wilner at:
* Apple and Peace image (edited) by Andy Mangold via Flickr and Creative Commons
Hi Joshua, and welcome to Carolyn’s blog – this time on the other side ๐
That was a nice post indeed, and a lot to which I can relate to. ๐
Well, Carolyn knows I am not that much of a tech person, yet I am always here as she in her own way inspires me to carry on and increases my knowledge about a LOT of tech stuff, which I would never have known otherwise!
Speaking of the phones and the very many you have changed, I am pretty much stuck with my old one I had a few years back, and it’s not even a smart phone! Call me old fashioned, but that’s just the way I am!! I guess a lot depends on the usage and how much do you really love changing phones too – the interest factor.
Like folks around you, my kids too have their own hi-tech gadgets and tablets etc…and are forever doing things on those, and often tell me to change mine. I somehow hardly ever use it, so feel it’s so senseless to choose the latest. I am 24×7 online and working, so the need of a smartphones never there, if you know what I mean. But I might just go in for one pretty soon, and I know I’ve been saying that ever since and not gone ahead and got one yet, but I would eventually, to make the kids happy more than anything else. Not an apple…I would be lost with the tabs and buttons – but something like Samsung perhaps ๐
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead, both of you ๐
Hi Harleena, Yes, Joshua is such a talented writer, we are very fortunate to have his guest post here at The Wonder of Tech!
Hey, if your tech is working well for you, no need to update it. I’m impressed though that you’re able to keep up so very well with your successful blog without using a mobile device. I use my iPad and iPhone a lot to monitor my blog, respond to comments, etc.
But you know best. Your girls have gadgets so you can see what they are and don’t see the appeal. That’s great. No need to spend money on tech you don’t need!
Carolyn, I have both my kids and their phones to keep an eye for me…lol…and they do a better job of it, though Vinay too keeps a check. So, with so many eyes on the blog, I’d rather keep mine on my larger monitor screen ๐
You are right, when the need and will is there, it will come right in, until them, me and my old self.
Thanks once again ๐
Hi Harleena,
I love gadgets and tech but if I have learned anything it is that sometimes less is more which is my way of saying that if you are happy with what you have there is no reason to switch.
Since I am often away from my desk and heavily involved in digital marketing I like paying attention to the tools and resources that are available. Sometimes that means trying something new so that I have first hand experience.
But it sounds to me like you are good and I think that is cool.
Hi Carolyn,
An entertaining post. I don’t like people invading my personal space either. You keep stepping away until you find yourself pinned against a wall! I’m having a rare day off today – no writing…
Take good care of yourself, Mike. Thanks for taking the time to share your comment on Joshua’s post.
Hi Mike,
I try to walk my people away from me so that I don’t get trapped against the wall. ๐
Great article Josh,
I have somewhat a similar situation. I do not use either smart phone or tablet for business but for all the other pleasure they have to offer.
There is an app for everything including being able to use the droid as a remote control for my camera’s and I am a passionate photographer.
I do not deny that the iPhone takes better photos as both my daughters only use products made to seduce Eve with Adam in-tow.
The pix from the iPhone, my home experience in India so far is restricted to the i5s are superb, but for a man who progressed from large camera’s to smaller digital ones it hardly matters.
When it comes to quick shoot and share iPhone wins. No doubt about it. I have not processed the iPhone images on a larger computer to date so its hard to say that it is paramount in quality. There are the Nokia large Mp phones as well as Sony’s variety so they have to be experienced first.
The ultimate paradox is after using an Apple computer, nothing else will do for me at the moment.
So with Android in hand – phone and tablet, the pleasure of communication is great. I just get happier in my den with my own Apple so its the best of both worlds as far as I am concerned.
Having started typing with a mechanical typewriter-yes I belong to that era, nothing beats a keyboard, is my take.
Enjoyed yours immensely.
Hi Nick, You sound very pleased with your Apple products which is great. I’m glad you like your iPhone camera. While it isn’t a professional DSLR camera, it does have impressive specs.
I agree with you, typing on a keyboard is easier and superior to typing on a glass screen. But I do like the new keyboard options with iOS 8.
Yes Carolyn,
Apple is the computer for me. I use Phtoshop, nothing like PS on a Mac.
I use Android phones for their magnificent apps. Also have an Android tablet.
May move to all Apple in Feb, but will keep some droids for my camera’s as well.
They make great remotes.
Hi Nick,
I used a typewriter in high school and part of college. Even though we had computers the typewriter seemed easier to me then. I wouldn’t want to go back, but I miss the clickety-clack sound and the ding.
Hi Joshua, I miss the tactile satisfaction of hitting the typewriter keys. Computer keys somehow aren’t as satisfying to tap.
But I do love how easily you can edit a document with computers!
Hi Josh! Hi Carolyn!
I enjoyed reading this Guys! I chuckled throughout Josh – are you always this funny? “Iโll type slowly so you can read it and catch up.” “If only there was an app for that.” (I’d get that app!)
So the apple really is better? I’ve been eyeing the iPad for a Christmas gift, perhaps and have considered other versions. Hmm…..
Hi, Josh, lovely and very enjoyable post, flowing freely like a mountain creek in summer, especially appreciate how you interweave your tech gadgets history with invading your personal space – grandiose!
Splendid idea, Carolyn, to invite Josh!
Hi Barbara,
Thank you. I was honored to share a few thoughts here.
Thanks Barbara. Joshua is a truly brilliant and gifted writer so I knew I wanted him to write a guest post here. I’m so glad he agreed to write this article so Wonder of Tech readers could discover his amazing talents!
Hey Josh,
Welcome to Carolyn’s blog and should I say over to the dark side! LOL!!! Yeah, Carolyn convinced me two years ago to get an iPod which I did and love. Last March I finally came over to the dark side as well and upgraded to an iPhone. I had the old flip version and it worked just fine.
I’ve gotten use to it although I’m not a big cell user. I have it mostly in case something happens and I need to call for help or I’m late getting to someplace and I can let them know because gone are the days you can whip into a gas station and make a phone call. Remember those days?
Now my first phone was probably like yours if now worse. I think I got mine in 1993 and it was as heavy as a brick. My gosh, it weighed down my purse and I definitely got my exercise carrying that baby around. Not fun at all but because I was the one responsible in our company for getting a great company plan for the big guys, the phone company gave me the phone so I had one although I rarely used it.
Thanks for sharing the story and hope you continue to enjoy your new gadget.
Hi Adrienne,
If your phone fit into your purse it was smaller than the one I had. I wish I was exaggerating but that thing was large brick in a case that had a cord attached to phone.
It was mobile in the sense I could carry it with me.
Do gas stations still have pay phones? I never look any more but if they do I usually have change in the car so I could probably still make a call.
I use my phone all the time for all sorts of stuff. If I am stuck somewhere I often open up my Kindle app to read or check out the news.
Anyway, I hope you had a good day and I will see you around the blogosphere.
LOL!!! It did fit in my purse Josh but you have to think about it. Back then the purses were NOT small. Yep, my phone was shaped and the weight of a brick. It was big, clunky and heavy and I hated it. But I had a cell and I was cool. ๐
I don’t think gas stations have pay phones anymore. The ones I’ve stopped at, I haven’t seen any. I guess they think everyone has a cell these days.
I don’t really use mine much. I just have it with me “just in case”. Maybe someday. LOL!!!
Adrienne, I got one of those big brick phones in 1993 too and I hung on to it a long time because it was so expensive! I dropped it a lot and finally had to use duct tape to keep the battery in place. I was so very cool! (Not…)
You had one too Carolyn? They sure were heavy weren’t they? I don’t think I ever dropped mine but I only took it with me to work. The cell company gave it to me for free so although it was neat to have once again, I rarely used it. I don’t think we were in the habit as much back then of using them. LOL!!!
Hi Carolyn and Joshua,
I must say it must be very handy to have you at proximity even if we don’t kiss you, because you know quite a bit about cell phones.
I got my first cell phone by 2000. I have never been crazy about cell phones, like so many people who can’t live without them.
I’ve started using one because of potential emergency. I’m sill not a phoneatic ๐ but I finally got my first smart phone like 6 months ago ๐ Yeah, that goes to tell you right?
Well, I had my PC and my tablet and used my cell phone, well, as a phone, not anything else.
However, now that I have an android, I quite like it and wouldn’t want to get back to not having it, but again, you only miss what you know, right? Technology can be addictive, but it’s really cool I have to have.
Nice meeting you here and no, I didn’t skipped so I understood about the kiss thing ๐
Hi Sylviane,
Tech can be very addictive, especially when you start to really integrate it into your life. Beyond some of the other reasons I listed I use it to take pictures for blog posts, the calendar keeps me on schedule and some of the games sometimes help keep me entertained.
Gah, too much tech. ๐
Hi Sylviane, You’re exactly right, 10 years ago no one had smartphones and now many people can’t live without them.
I respectfully disagree with my esteemed colleague, Joshua. We don’t have too much tech! :-0
Give me more tech, please…
Hello Carolyn and Joshua,
Nice post, Well speaking of phone I’m not a big fan of upgrading of any new launch of smartphone either apple ot samsung.
Hi Samir, Yes, if your current phone is working fine for you no need to upgrade. Unfortunately, Joshua’s phone isn’t working well for him so he has to make a change.
Hi Carolyn and Joshua,
Its my first time that I am reading about him. I like the way he has explained about his life and the evolution of technology. As he has mentioned that he got a phone in 1995 and after that his Samsung Note 2.
Technology has emerged a lot and now people are using it. Most of youngsters are having an Android phone.
I personally like Apple to have. It has many things which is not in Android. Though Android has many apps but it can’t beat Apple.
Thanks for letting us know about Joshua.
Hope you both are enjoying your day.:)
Hi Ravi, I’m so glad you became acquainted with Joshua here with his guest post. I encourage you to visit his blog, his writing is edgy, eloquent and elegant. You can also follow his journey as he continues the debate about which will be his new phone.