The estimated reading time for this post is 2 minutes
Think you know logos? How familiar are you with corporate brands? Do the logos you see frequently stick in your brain or are they instantly forgettable?
Can you name these logos?
Craig McBreen, a fellow writer, had a fascinating blog post lately. Well, all of his blog posts are fascinating, but this one, Is the Logo Officially Dead?, caught my attention in particular as I formerly practiced trademark law. In trademark law you try to protect trademarks such as logos from others trying to infringe upon your clients’ properties. The test is likelihood of confusion: how likely are you to mistake one company’s trademark for another?
While I don’t think that logos are officially dead, I do think that many logos are designed to be, let’s say less than memorable.
Apps can test your knowledge of company logos. Are you a logo expert or are you befuddled by branding?
Logos Quiz, a free app, shows you pictures of logos with trade names removed. You try to identify the logos by their image. You type in the trade name and the quiz tells you if you are right, wrong or close.
The quiz currently has eight different levels. You have to identify the logos correctly to open new levels. The logos range from very easy to very challenging.
This is one of the easier logos (at least it was easy for me!):
You choose a logo from a grid and then you have to type in the answers. No capitalization or punctuation is required, making the answers a bit easier for you. You earn hints by identifying logos correctly.
The logos include international companies, not just US companies. The game is especially fun if you play it with others as combining intelligence often helps to solve the tricky ones. You can connect the game to your Facebook and Twitter accounts to get help from your friends and share your stats with others.
Logos Quiz is free for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch in the iTunes App Store. The app is free, but you can purchase an in-app upgrade for $1.99 that eliminates the advertisements plus gives you more hints. But who knows? The advertisement may contain just the answer you’re looking for!
A nearly identical app is available on Android devices and has ten different levels of logos. Like the iPhone app, this Android app requires that you identify logos correctly to unlock new levels. The Android app, though, does not let you buy hints and does require punctuation, making the Android app a bit more challenging than the iPhone app. But like the iPhone app, the Android app lets you ask friends for help on Facebook and Twitter.
The Android Logo Quiz is available for Android devices for free at Google Play and for the Kindle Fire at the Amazon App Store.
Are you good at identifying corporate logos? Do you think that you could do well with these quizzes? Let us know in the Comments section below!
I am away from the Internet on vacation, though wonderful Wonder of Tech articles will continue to be published in my absence. Contrary to popular belief, I am not attending a 12 step Internet addiction program. I will respond to comments when I return on August 6.
Hi Carolyn,
I was only sure about one! I thought I might know another three. I was thinking about this because I want a logo and favicon for my website. I decided it was too much trouble!
You suggested that I tried to write an app for smart phones. I have an idea for a plug in for WordPress and so I’m working on that. I wish I knew a PHP web programmer!
I have some good pictures for you this week. I finally photographed a double decker bus! The Ferrari looks good too! ๐
Hi Mike, There are quite a few British and European logos in the app so I think you would do well in the quiz.
Plugins are great so I hope you are able to design one! I admire those who are able to develop apps and plugins. ๐
This app is awesome. I tried to get all the names but it is really challenging. i completed every level with 60-70% of progress. I guess this app is worth paying attention to it.
Hi Alex, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! Wow, you did great on this quiz. I find it helpful to take the quiz with others so that you can get more answers right!
Carolyn, this is a GREAT follow up to Craig’s post (which was wonderful!). This is an especially interesting debate for me, as a content marketing strategist, and as someone who is on the verge of launching a new business. That’s right – Ruth Zive Copywriting is evolving, and I am in the midst of a corporate branding process myself. Indeed, I will have a new logo. And colours. And I think it does matter. Within the context of a larger content marketing initiative.
In the meantime, the Chanel logo jumped out at me immediately :-). To be expected…considering my luxury handbag addiction.
Hi Ruth, Thank you, I loved Craig’s article to but didn’t know about this app until after I read his article.
Yes, there are certain logos that just seem to jump out at you, don’t they? It’s a great exercise for people who are developing their own logos.
I’m excited for the launch of your business, Ruth! I hope you make good use of the “Z” initial. It’s must be cool to have a Z in your monogram!
Hey Carolyn,
It is really a wonder on how many logos we know and how many we can recognize (I was surprised by the number of logos I could recognize, but could not associate it with the right brand).
Are logos becoming dead? Maybe or maybe not. But, I think too many logos these days look about the same (people think to think unique :D). And of course, there are many companies out there who stick to plain text rather than an official logo (but, I think those are just the small companies).
Do they have an internet version of the app?
Anyways, hope you are having fun with your vacation ๐
Jeevan Jacob John
Hi Jeevan, You’re right, a lot of logos these days aren’t very distinctive. That’s one of the factors that makes the Logos Quiz app a lot of fun!
Great question, I was able to find an online Logo Quiz:
Good luck! :-bd
Thanks for the quiz, Carolyn. Got a good score (Well, a missed a few, but was surprised by how many I could recognize).
Hi Jeevan, Isn’t it fun? I don’t think anyone would be able to name all of them as they come from all different industries and from all over the world. But the game shows you what a truly global economy we have.
I’m glad you enjoyed the article!
Interesting; looking at the ones you posted I thought I’d know a lot more than I did. Hmmmm……
Hurry back.
Hi Bill, Yes, this quiz is trickier that you would think. Some of them I was stumped on but then realized what they were later when I saw them on a product. Others I was clueless about.
Sorry, I didn’t hurry back. ๐
I instantly recognized the NBC peacock logo and the Tommy Hilfiger logo stood out as well – upon a quick glance. I like studying logo’s as well as I tend to outsource for them on my various blogs and sites – and usually will borrow from them, here and there. As far as composition, size, colors, etc. Not rip off, just emulate.
Trademark law? Very interesting field.
Hi Missy, Very nice to see you back here at The Wonder of Tech! Yes, this app makes it interesting to study the logos. Which ones stand out? Which are memorable? This app can help you recognize what works and what doesn’t. ๐
Hi Carolyn,
First of all, thanks for the mention!
I recognized about 26 with my first run through, so it does show you the power of a well-developed brand mark / symbol, if you’re a large brand name of course. Cool Apps too!
Here is another very interesting study on logotypes replacing logos as staples of brand identity:
The Atari logo reminds me of my childhood, which means it’s in dire need of an update … ๐
And trademark law? Wow, I had no idea.
Hi Craig, Wow, you know your logos! Great question. Should logos be updated or should companies stick with the classics? The fact that you remember Atari from your childhood is probably a good thing, right?
I will check out that site you linked to. I am fascinated by logos and really enjoyed your wonderful article on the topic!
Wow! 45 logos and i got about half of them. Like the yellow block at the top right. What the heck is that? It’s like a good game of concentration. Can you remember which one that is?
Ha! I am writing like I have been here a ton of times. I visit a few of the sites you frequent as well and i happen to catch a link via Adam justice. Sorry ’bout that.
Anyway, it’s a cool exercise to try. Off I go to get the Android App.
Hi Ralph, A warm welcome to The Wonder of Tech! Yes, our paths keep crossing in the blogosphere and I appreciate you stopping by to visit.
That yellow box is the logo for a website you are probably familiar with, though I needed a hint to figure out what it was.
Your results are impressive. I wonder if anyone can name all of them anyway since they span so many product lines and countries.
This is nice to have such a great logo quiz for our android devices. This is amazing to play this game…….
Hi Prakash, I’m so glad you’re enjoying this app. I agree, it’s a lot of fun and very cool that it’s free!
Hi Carolyn
Hope that you enjoy your vacation. I think that logo are very important because it our eyes can sometime deceive us without we notice it ourselves e.g. when we are out shopping. If we need to choose between two products we might end up selecting the one with the logo we have seen before. Some logos are better than others. One of the strongest logo in the IT business that I can think of is IBM’s logo. It may be a bit old style, but everybody just now that logo, because it has been around so many years.
Hi Thomas, I agree, IBM does have a very strong logo. The IBM logo is also included in the quiz.
Some logos are very strong and instantly memorable. I find it fascinating to figure out which ones I can remember and which ones are a mystery to me.
You’re right, some logos are classics that have been around for years, but there is value in wide recognition so why change what works?
Hi Carolyn
Nice to see that you are back in business. It is funny with the classic logos. I have noticed that many of them are still the same, but the are some how able to make some small changes that make them look more modern. Sometimes it is just a change in the font or color nuances. E.g. BMW
I have this game for my android and on the I-pad! I am always amazed at how many of them I know and are on the tip of my tongue and can’t quite remember what they are. The hints sometimes help me and sometimes they don’t.
Hi Aaron, You’re right, some I think I know instantly but I’m wrong. My girls laughed that I thought the Dove trademark was Twitter!
Sometimes the hints help job my memory but there are some logos that I don’t think I’ve ever seen.
I’m glad you’re having fun with it!
When I was in college I was a regular at the yearly quiz so yes, I do have a lot of logo recognition power!
But its been some time since I refreshed, but I am hoping it might be fun to see what I score!
Hi Hajra, Wow, you must have been very impressive with your quizzes! I hope you really enjoy this one. ๐
Carolyn – My first thought on reading that you are on vacation and will not reply to comments until Aug 6 was, let me try and keep your comments updated by reply to every one here…it would have been fun…but then i thought wisely and decided not to ๐
I didnt want you to return back to irate readers who will never return back after reading my replies ๐
Anyways, I am not very well informed about logos, but have a general idea about the famous ones. The app looks interesting and informative, i will surely try that out.
Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a wonderful vacation.
Hi Praveen, Thank you for your kind thoughts. Yes, this has proven to be quite a popular post! I am glad to see there so many people who have been enjoying this app.
It’s probably good that I was away from the Internet when I was on vacation, otherwise I would have been much too tempted to respond to the comments.
It’s good to be back though!
I think is another tricky way of killing some free time ๐
Hi Radu, Yes, you can lose a lot of time with this app. In a fun way, of course! :-bd
Wow! This app is great! ( I must confess I’m level 3 now, but unfortunately I’m getting addicted.) At first sight this app made me no sense, but we must say fruit ninja is as unsensible as this one. ( I love that one, too!) Thank you for the great tip, I’m having a 6-hour-long journey this week, so this app will be great!
Hi Daniel, Yes, this app is great for a trip, especially if you will be traveling with others. It’s fun to compare notes and see who can recognize which logos. You’d be surprised when you share knowledge how much farther you get!
I can name few of that logos..NBC, Facebook, Pepsi, Mercedes Benz, Sony Ericsson, Toyota…That’s the brands which are mostly familiar with me.
Hi Born, Excellent! You did great! I think you’re really going to enjoy this app!
I can name a few, like Facebook, Netscape and Wikipedia. It sounds like a fun game, even though I’ll probably be terrible at it. I don’t recognize logos unless they’re awesome ๐
Hi Jens, This is a fun app for marketers. You can really see which logos are effective as branding tools.
You might have fun playing this with your kids. It’s interesting to see which logos your kids recognize. Mine got some that I didn’t know but they were impresses that I knew others. And it’s very difficult to impress teenagers. [-(
Hi Carolyn,
Naming these logos is like playing a game,you are on vacation and still makes us busy doing these interesting things that’s why i am glued to your posts every time you write.
I can recognize 9 logos from the list you have provided above.
Facebook,Wikipedia,Cisco network systems,Sony Ericson,Tommy Hilfiger,Toyota,mercs,cnbc TV etc…….phew !! will try this app on my android,hope to name more logos there. ๐
Interesting post ๐
Hi Aditya, Yes, I bet you will get more on your Android app. It’s a lot of fun when you unlock a new level and see all of the logos the app has in store for you! ๐
Logos relates with the company or brand so it should be very attractive and good because it indicates to the company and attract to the customers.
I know about many one which are facebook, cisco, mercedez,tommy -hilfiger etc…
It is very interesting.
Hi Bhusan, A+ for you! I think you’ll really enjoy this app! ๐
Sounds like a pretty cool app – but I would probably fail pretty quickly!
Hi Carol, This app is a lot of fun to play with others. I play with my girls and between us we do very well. There are some that we all know but others that they know and I don’t and vice versa. I was amazed that some I recognized by didn’t know how while others I should have known but didn’t. Go figure.
Its very interesting application.i am trying to find all the brand names but i couldn’t recognize. hope i will find and complete it soon.
Hi Katherin, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! I’m so glad you like this app. It can be challenging as the logos come from all over the world, but it’s a lot of fun too.
Cool Post! i love these logos , its really awesome and you have presented it very neatly with interesting design , sorry i don’t know these cooperate logos and i am eagerly waiting to know these logo names
Hi Linda, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! If you don’t know any of the logos, the game probably wouldn’t be much fun. If you wanted to play the game any way, you could try searching for the images using Google Goggles.