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Are you loving Pandora radio? Do you kind of wish they had something else? Something to entertain you when you’re just not in the mood for music?
Good news! This week, Pandora released comedy stations in addition to their music offerings. According to Pandora, comedy was their most requested genre, so they decided to deliver.
As you know from Pandora: Music to Your Ears?, Pandora is an Internet radio website that plays the music you like on your computer, smartphone, some cars, dvd players and tv’s. But now they have expanded from music into comedy, providing 12 new comedy stations of different genres. Interestingly, Pandora groups a lot of these genres into different time periods with five of the genres related to the era when the comedy was performed:
- Golden Oldies (Bob Newhart, Jonathan Winters)
- 60’s and 70’s (Cheech & Chong, Rodney Dangerfield)
- 80’s and 90’s (George Carlin, Jerry Seinfeld)
- 2000 (David Tyree, Rhona Cameron)
- Today (Chris Rock, Aziz Ansari)
The other genres include topical comedy such as:
- Musical (“Weird” Al Yankovic, Stephen Lynch)
- Urban (Paul Rodriguez, George Lopez)
- Working Class (Larry the Cable Guy, Ron White)
- Political (Al Frankin, George Carlin)
- PG (Bill Cosby, Rodney Dangerfield)
- Comedy Icons (Richard Pryor, Wanda Sykes)
- Raw (Roseanne Barr, Sandra Bernhard)
While you have loads of choices of stations and comedians, don’t count on playing any Pandora comedy around your kids. When you choose a comedy station, a warning plays that the material may be not be appropriate for younger audiences, even on the Golden Oldies and PG stations.
I checked out the 80’s and 90’s station and was treated to a hilarious performance by Robin Williams, though I was glad my kids weren’t in the room. I’m eager to check out the other stations as well.

So if you want to have a giggle, check out Pandora comedy stations!
Have you been listening to Pandora radio? Are you excited about the comedy stations? Let us know in the Comments section below!
* Image by Steve Rhodes
Oh, cool.
Hi Matt, Welcome back to The Wonder of Tech! You’re right, this is a very cool enhancement to Pandora radio. I can see myself using this a lot. As with songs, you can buy the comedy recordings, though I’m not sure you would want to hear the same jokes repeatedly. Perhaps with a Weird Al song, you would want to purchase comedy from Pandora.