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Yes, it’s true. I’m passionate about podcasts and you should be too! How passionate am I? I listen to them every day. Podcasts are a great way to learn and be entertained while you’re driving, doing chores or exercising (kind of like audiobooks).

So, what is a podcast and why should I listen to them?
A podcast is like an audio or video blog. You can either listen to a single podcast or subscribe. Podcasts cover every topic you can imagine (kind of like blogs). Podcasts can be recorded by a team of hosts or a single podcaster.
Podcasts are free (mostly, there are some premium podcasts that charge but the vast majority are free).
Podcasts can teach. Have you always wanted to learn a new language? Have a hankering to learn Italian but don’t have time for a course? Subscribe to a podcast that teaches Italian and you will learn the language with great pronunciation. Learn your new Italian words in the car as you commute to work. The traffic jams won’t seem nearly as long!
Two Wonder of Tech readers, Bill Dorman and Riley Harrison recently wrote blog posts on how important it is to keep learning beyond your school years. Both blogs are definitely worth checking out, you can find them here: Iβve learned too much; my head hurts and LEARNING HOW TO LEARN IS PRETTY IMPORTANT LEARNING. Both of these brilliant writers stress the importance of using learning to grow as a person (though in very different ways). A great way to follow their sage advice is by listening podcasts!
Keep up with current information by listening to news and business podcasts. Don’t have time to read journals in your area of expertise? See if there is a podcast on the subject.
Podcasts can be also be fun. Check out podcasts on movies, hobbies, and any other topic you can imagine! Escape to a tropical beach by listening to a travel podcast. Commiserate on the latest episode of your favorite reality show by listening to an interview of the contestant who was eliminated. Listen to a podcast on relaxation to help you unwind at the end of a long day.
What sorts of topics do podcasts cover?
You name the topic, there is probably a podcast on it.
Have a favorite tv show you love to follow? Chances are there’s a podcast for the show. Or check out general podcasts like EW’s Inside TV (with Entertainment Weekly’s Dalton Ross and Anne Barrett), Rob Has a Podcast (by former Survivor Amazon contestant Rob Cesternino), or Daytime Confidential (for daytime dramas).
Have a favorite hobby? Chances are there is a podcast on the topic, such as the Geocaching Podcast or Running Times.
Love comedy? Lots of comedians have podcasts. Check out Real Time with Bill Maher, The Adam Carolla Show and Onion Radio News.
Want to catch up on the news? Check out Anderson Cooper’s AC 360 video podcast or NBC Nightly News which is a podcast of each night’s episode. You can catch the first hour of the Today Show in a video podcast as well.

Do you enjoy books? Check out Slate’s Audio Book Club podcast and BBC’s World Book Club (interviews famous authors from around the world about their favorite novels). Also check out Science Fiction author Scott Sigler who releases his audiobooks as podcasts for free, one chapter at a time.
Want to learn history? Check out The History of Rome or The British History podcast.
Want to learn Farmville tips and Tricks? Check out Secrets of Farmville by Father Roderick, a Catholic priest from The Netherlands (I’m not kidding, it’s a great podcast, though inconsistent in its updates).
Did I mention all of this knowledge comes free?
For more podcast inspiration, check out the winners of the 2010 Podcast Awards
What do I need to listen to podcasts? I don’t have a smartphone or an iPod!
No worries. To listen to podcasts, all you need is a computer. If you have an smartphone, iPod or other MP3 device, then you can listen to podcasts on the go. But all you really need is a computer. You can download podcasts to your computer for free.
When you discover a podcast you want to listen to, it’s like striking gold. You will want to subscribe! The best way to subscribe is through a podcatcher. I know, that sounds like science fiction, but a podcatcher is nothing more than software that will download the most recent episodes of podcasts for you so you don’t have to go out hunting for them.
If you have an iPod, iPhone or iPad, iTunes is your podcatcher. There are others on the market but you don’t need them. When you open iTunes it will sync your podcasts. Connect your device to your computer after the latest podcast episodes have finished downloading and iTunes will sync the latest episodes of your podcasts to your device. It couldn’t be easier.
If you are away from your computer, but want to download the latest podcast from your computer onto your iOS device (iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch), no problem!
Go to iPod on your iOS device and find the podcast you want to update. Click on Get More Episodes. This will take you to the iTunes listing for that podcast. Click Download to start downloading the episode to your device.
Be careful, though, if you are not connected to Wi-Fi. There is a 10MB limit on downloading data over 3G and most podcasts are over 10MB.
Helpful Hint: Go to iTunes on your iOS device (iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch) and search for the podcast. Tap on the title and the podcast will stream. This means you don’t have to download it, the podcast will start to play immediately. Very handy when you’re away from Wi-Fi but are connected with 3G or you don’t want to wait for the podcast to download (though downloading takes about a minute or less). Don’t forget your data limits though! (See, Mind the Cap!)
But all I have is a computer!
If you don’t have a device, just a computer, no worries. iTunes will play your podcasts on your computer. For free. You don’t even need an iTunes account. If you don’t have iTunes on your computer, go to and download it here: Download iTunes. For free. Then check out podcasts in the iTunes Store. Give yourself a few hours, though. You may need it.
Here is a link to Frequently Asked Questions about listening to podcasts on iTunes: iTunes FAQ.
BeyondPod, available in the Android Market, will download the most recent podcasts on your Android device. This great app has amazing settings, allowing you to control when and how podcasts are updated (Wi-Fi or 3G), create podcast playlists, and download RSS feeds as well. (See, Tech-Knowledgy: RSS Feeds, Memory and Google Recipes!)
Check out this YouTube video showing how BeyondPod works on your Android device.
My Favorite Tech Podcasts!
You may not be shocked to learn that I listen to a lot of tech podcasts. Yes, it’s true. But I listen to others as well.
Here are my favorites:
- Zen and Tech – this new podcast by Rene and Georgia teaches you how to relax with tech.
- iPhone Live – Rene and Georgia tell you all about the latest iPhone news
- iPad Live- iPad news from Rene and Georgia.
- Bits: Tech Talk – The New York Times team of Pedro, JD and Bettina will help you learn and laugh about tech. Great music too!
- Today in iOS – Rob gives helpful hints, app reviews and promo codes for iOS apps.
- Android Central – Phil is definitely a Smartphone Expert when it comes to Android devices.
- The Kindle Chronicles – handy tips, news and in depth interviews make this a must listen. Len has a great voice for the podcast that sounds knowledgeable and soothing.
- The Cell Phone Junkie – no one know more about cell phones than Mickey and Joey. I first found out O2 would unlock my iPhone for free from TCPJ podcast (the staff at the O2 store in England didn’t even know about it yet).
Bottom Line
Check out podcasts today. They’re free, on every topic you can imagine and available without the need for a special device. You can have fun, learn, be entertained and keep up to date with the latest information.
Do you listen to podcasts? Do you have any favorite podcasts you recommend? Let us know in the Comments section below!
* Image by Colleen AF Venable
** Image by Eric Richardson
Hi Carolyn,
I like audio books but dislike video podcasts – they are too slow; I read fast. I have a Sony dictation gadget that records to MP3. That would be good to make audio only podcasts. The same as a blog applies, get to the point and don’t be boring! Too many instructional videos don’t get to the point. I do read a lot of boring blogs though and so maybe it isn’t the media. With the written word you can at least skip a paragraph!
Hi Mike, I can understand that you don’t have a lot of patience for podcasts, you’re so busy with your daily blogs, photography, farm and other activities! I agree with you, sometimes podcasts cover boring topics, but I generally skip ahead on those. If I find myself skipping too much, I will cancel my podcast subscription.
Last week a podcast I was listening to spent 45 minutes discussing why a tech device (I never used) failed. I keep skipping ahead but they were still talking about that issue. I didn’t include that tech podcast in my list.
I hope you give podcasts a chance, Mike. You might find a valuable one on photography that you enjoy.
Thanks so much for your visit and your comment! π
I listen to a lot of audio CD’s in the evening, going through more education material and personal development. But what I need is an iPod. Stop laughing, I told you I’m w-a-y behind the times here. Now that I am exercising three times a week I sure could be listening to some interesting stuff instead of just looking around. So that’s next on my list, all those upgraded phones will have to wait.
Thanks for sharing this and reminding me that I need to get myself in gear and get me something so I can listen to some podcasts. π
Thanks Carolyn,
Hi Adrienne, I’m not laughing, not at all. I think you’d be surprised at how many Wonder of Tech readers don’t have iPods. But you don’t need them to listen to podcasts. All you need is a computer, which I’m thinking you have since you’re reading and commenting on this blog.
That’s great that you’re exercising 3x a week. You go, girl! (*) If you’re working out on a treadmill or some other exercise equipment at home, bring your laptop over and play the podcast on your laptop. If you exercise on the go, then you do need an iPod to listen to podcasts, though.
Many people start with an iPod Touch before moving over to an iPhone. That’s what happened with me and a bunch of other people I know.
Thanks so much for your visit, comment and tweet! @};-
Hey Carolyn,
I know about listening to them on the computer, I’m not that behind the times. LOL!!! Although at times I seem like it! π
I don’t have a laptop and I exercise at the YMCA. That’s why I mentioned that I needed an iPod so I could take it with me. I also walk every evening so it would be great to listen to it then as well. See, I’m in desperate need of an iPod so I guess I’m going to have to go shopping this weekend. Lucky me!
Thanks young lady, always full of really great scoop. I love your place.
Hi Adrienne, Actually, many people aren’t aware that you can listen to podcasts on the computer (see Richie’s comment below). I don’t think it’s a matter of who is behind the times, I just think you know more tech than you realize!
Yes, if you exercise at the YMCA, you would look a bit silly bringing your laptop in to listen to podcasts. An iPod is definitely the way to go. If you can swing it, I suggest the iPod Touch so you can get some of the great apps you will enjoy using.
Thanks again for your visits, comments and tweets! π
Guess I missed Richie’s comment since he was after mine. Oops…
Okay Miss Techie Queen (that’s your new name), I’ve got another question for you. Is there a device that you can listen to podcasts like an iPod but also record audio? Not video but audio and what I’m thinking is for when I go to a conference I’d like to record what the speaker is saying so I won’t have to worry about writing my notes so darn fast. I did go Google the iPod Touch but all I’m seeing is recording video. Hopefully you will know.
Thanks Carolyn, you’re the best!
Good news, the iPod Touch does record audio. There’s an app for that, lol! Not only does the Voice Memo app record audio, you can get the Dragon Dictation app for free that will transcribe the audio. Sweet!
Thanks for my new name. I really should change my Facebook account, lol! π
Don’t worry about not seeing Richie’s comment. That isn’t the same Richie we know from 1000 Likes, it’s a new visitor to The Wonder of Tech!
Thanks again for your visit, comment and kind words!
I listen to Clark Howard’s podcast in the morning while I shower using an iPod hooked to a small speaker. It’s great b/c unlike the radio version it has no commercials!
I didn’t know you could listen to a podcast without downloading or just using your computer. I had no idea about the variety of available podcasts you’ve described. I would like to listen to podcasts during my work commutes. I’m going to check it out tonight!
Hi Richie, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! That is an advantage of some podcasts, though there are others with commercials. Great idea to listen to the podcast in the shower! I hadn’t thought of that way to listen to it.
If you have an iPod Touch and are connected to Wi-Fi, you can stream podcasts from iTunes, though you might want to download them instead so you can listen to them when you’re away from Wi-Fi.
Thanks so much for your visit and your comment, Richie!
Meh, I never got into podcasts
Hi Matt, Welcome back to The Wonder of Tech! You may want to give podcasts another try. There are so many podcasts on a lot of different subjects, you are bound to find podcasts on subjects you like. Perhaps you could give Android Central a try? :-bd From your previous comments, I’m thinking iPhone Live wouldn’t be a big draw for you…%-(
Thanks so much for your visit and your comment!
Lol, indeed not. (insert standard anti-apple rant here)
Hi Carolyn–I’m a huge podcast follower. I think it has impeded my brain’s ability to read.
An app that I really love is “Instacast”–it is 1.99, but well worth it. You can create feeds and just refresh those feeds each day. It’s a really good organizer. Nice post plugging the magic of podcasts π
Hi Craig, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! I’m so glad you enjoy podcasts like I do. I just downloaded Instacast, I love the idea of being able to download new episodes of podcasts over the air automatically without having to sync to iTunes. I imagine that when iCloud is launched in September, this will be a feature, but I can’t wait that long.
I noted your great recommendation in today’s blog post. Thanks so much for your visit, comment and letting us know about Instacast! π
Hi Carolyn,
I am finally at the public library during my 4-week vacation, and your blog was the first I visitied π
I am passionate about podcasts, I listen to podcasts every single day. I especially enjoy BlogcastFM (about blogging). I just love the interviews. I also listen to several Norwegian radio shows. Oh, I almost forgot, I should be writing.. a podcast about writing fiction. Awesome.
Have a great summer!
Wow, thank you, Jens, for taking the time to check on my blog while you are on vacation. I hope you’re having a great time!
I’m so glad you share my passion for podcasts. I will have to check out BlogcastFM, I just subscribed to it, wonderful recommendation! The Norwegian podcasts probably wouldn’t be too good for me as my Norwegian language skills are not yet fully developed. π
Thanks so much for your visit, comment, podcast suggestion, tweets and for being the number one commenter in June! =D> Enjoy the rest of your holiday!
Whoa, I got mentioned in a ‘tech’ article; I have arrived……:).
This was great info and very informative. Podcasts are something I have not spent enough time on but something I need to explore. I didn’t realize all that was going on with them; very interesting.
Thanks so much for dragging me into this.
I hope you have a fantastic day and upcoming week.
Hi Bill, Yes, you are here. π Your inspirational blog about the quest for knowledge let me to think of interesting tech methods for learning. Podcasts are a wonderful source of information and help me to learn even while I’m doing less educational tasks, such as driving.
I hope you find a podcast you enjoy!
Thanks so much for your visit, comment and inspirational blog post!
OMG, Carolyn! You are so renewing my interest in podcasts! =) When I lived in Japan, I was a podcast freak. I listened to American news all the time (because Canadian news wasn’t very entertaining) and snuck in some Japanese refresher podcasts too. =) I also remember listening to Grammar Girl, meditation podcasts and podcasts that hyped me up during my mornings jogs! =)
I’ll have to get into them again! They’ll be my source of English here in Peru! =)
P.S. I can’t believe that Zen and Tech podcast. =) How cool! =)
Hi Samantha, Welcome back to The Wonder of Tech! Iβm so glad you have a passion for podcasts too. Itβs so much fun discovering new podcasts and it sounds as if you have quite a few you enjoy.
When I lived in England, I listened to American news podcasts every day to learn what was going on in the US. Itβs a great way to keep up with the news.
Thanks so much for your visit, comment and tweet! π
I love audiobooks and so i also love podcasts. I used to learn japanese from audio lessons when i was jogging, but now i change to podcasts whenever i get my hands on one.
You never know what new things you’ll learn from a podcast, i guess this is why i like them so much.
Hi Martin, I agree, it’s great to learn from podcasts. They’re convenient, free and plentiful. I also switch between audiobooks and podcasts, enjoying both as you do.
How fantastic that you were learning Japanese through audio lessons. There are lots of podcasts that teach Japanese as well.
Thanks so much for your visit and comment! π
Yeah, well, i initially found it difficult to concentrate while running, but i got used to it. Japanese is a beautiful language. Haven’t heard of any podcast teaching it, though.
Hi Martin, You’re right, you would really have to concentrate to a podcast to learn Japanese. Perhaps language class podcasts are best listened to while exercising, not driving! π
I have tried once listening to podcast. Although the topic that Iβve been listening to was not that interesting, I realized how important having with you your podcast. Also, its future application could be very great.
Hi Samantha, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! I’m sorry your first experience with podcasts wasn’t too interesting. I hope you give podcasts another try. You may find one you like. And, as you pointed out, they are handy because you can take them with you wherever you go!
Thanks so much for your visit and your comment!
Yup! Absolutely handy especially now that I’m trying to give myself a break (usually spend time in other places) but I can’t really control my mind of not doing anything whenever I go. So I can make myself busy whenever I get bored of stuffs outside.