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If your family travel plans include a road trip this summer, you may be dreading the hours in the car with wails of “Are we there yet?” and “How much longer?” Tech gadgets and portable DVD players can entertain kids but they miss seeing the scenery. That may not matter much if your travels include a boring highway, but if you want your kids to take in the sites while being entertained, License Plate Bingo used to be your only option.
The developers at Tales2Go had a better idea for enriching the experience of a long car ride. They created an app that will not only entertain your kids, but educate them as well, all while allowing them to view the passing scenery. Their app brings thousands of children’s audiobooks to your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
I interviewed William Weil, the co-founder and CEO of Tales2Go, who said, “My wife and I were so taken with audiobooks for car rides with the kids, we started a company.”
Tales2Go is somewhat like Netflix for children’s audiobooks. You get a free trial period after which you can buy a subscription, either by the month or the year. You can listen to as many stories as you want on up to five different devices.
Tales2Go works with major audiobook publishers and has won many awards, including the Parents’ Choice Gold Award, the National Parenting Publications Gold Award and others. The app has over 2000 titles with more being added daily. Here is a link to its list of stories: Tales2Go Stories.
Tales2Go is currently available in the US and Canada, with plans to expand internationally. “(We are) doing some deals now to add Spanish language stories and hope to be multi-language here and abroad,” said Weil.
The stories are streamed, as Netflix movies are, so you have to be connected to the Internet to get a story onto your device. But unlike a Netflix movie, a Tales2Go story can be saved within a few seconds. Once a story is on your device, you can listen to it without being connected so long as you don’t close your app. You can even listen to it in the background when you have another app open on your screen.
Currently you can only save one story on your device, but according to Weil, Tales2Go has plans by the end of 2012 to increase the number of stories you can save.
Benefits of Listening to Audiobooks
You can also use Tales2Go to help your children enjoy books at home. If you have children who are struggling readers, audiobooks may help open up the world of books to them. According to Tales2Go, “listening to stories exposes kids to vocabulary, builds critical listening and comprehension skills and generally excites kids about literature.”
Schools also can use Tales2Go to help children who need extra help with reading or have vision issues. According to its website:
a recent study showed a measurable increase in student achievement when a listening component was added to reading instruction. Since oral language precedes written language, students are naturally and effectively able to build vocabulary by listening (i.e. vocabulary is at the foundation of reading comprehension).
Using the App
This video from Tales2Go shows how the app works:
As shown in the video, you can search for stories by the title, author or storyteller, by age, by highest rated, most popular and by other categories.
You can add a bookmark to a story and add stories to your Favorites list. The app currently syncs this information between your devices, but this will change in the future. According to Weil, “Since we do a growing business in schools (and parents have requested it), we will soon move Bookmarks and Favorites to be stored on each device.”
After you listen to a story, you can rate it to help others discover great stories and help Tales2Go suggest books you might like.
Note that if you’re using cellular data to access Tales2Go stories, you might want to pay attention to your data usage. The stories use much less data than a Netflix video and Weils said that they have never received any complaints about their app using too much data. If you want to monitor your data usage, see suggestions in Mind the Cap!
Future Plans
In addition to bringing Tales2Go to other countries and other languages, Weil has other plans for the future. Tales2Go is now only available for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, but that will change soon. Weil said, “We should have a desktop version in place by the end of June and Android available by Fall.”
As a big audiobook fan, I asked Weil about bringing Tales2Go some stories for adults. He responded, “There are many classics on Tales2Go that appeal to the whole family, but our focus is kids (3 to tween).”
I tried Tales2Go, taking advantage of the free 30 day trial period, and listened to Lost on a Mountain in Maine, the story of a 12-year-old boy who survived for nine days in the wilderness. The story was enthralling and the quality of the audio production was outstanding, making me a quick fan of Tunes2Go.
Tales2Go app is available for free for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch in the iTunes App Store and for Android devices at Google Play. A 30 day trial comes free with the app, after which you can buy a subscription for $9.99/month or $99.99/year. Bulk pricing for schools is available at discounted rates.
Bottom Line
Whether you’re looking to entertain kids on a road trip, help a young reader, or listen to great stories, check out Tales2Go.
Do you enjoy audiobooks? Are you looking for entertainment for your kids for an upcoming road trip? Let us know in the Comments section below!
They definitely need to increase the number of stories you can save at a time Carolyn especially if you have a long car ride.
I know as kids we use to count things as we traveled. Like how many cows can we find and the one who gets the most wins. Back when we were kids there wasn’t much to do but read a book or play with something you brought with us. Our trips to grandmother’s house was over 8 hours. Long time to stay entertained.
Sounds like they are trying to appeal to the entire family by including some classics. I’m sure there are some I would enjoy reading again.
Thanks for yet another great share Carolyn! Neat!
Some people will get burned on by data plan limits on their first trip with constant streaming. Yes, having the ability to download several books ahead of time will help. If the downloads are streamed at standard playback speed, that could be a time consuming process to accumulate several books. Sounds like a great idea but as usual there are a few issues to be worked out.
Hi Gary, Because the files are audio files instead of video files, they don’t use nearly as much data. The streaming is very quick so I’m wondering if the files are compressed somehow to minimize data usage.
The app has lots of five star reviews in the iTunes App Store from parents who have used this app on car trips and no one has mentioned going over their data limit with this app.
It’s always a good idea to keep track of your data which is why I linked to The Wonder of Tech article Mind the Cap! so people can know how to monitor their data usage.
FYI, the app actually cache’s a story or chapter being listened to (i.e. it’s very efficient in terms bandwidth use), and does so in seconds depending on the length of the story/chapter and signal quality. And yes, we intend to improve caching such that listeners will be able to take multiple stories or chapters with them.
Hi William, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! Thank you for stopping by and responding to Gary’s question. Congratulations on building such a successful app that is so helpful to parents and children.
Thank you and The Wonder of Tech for the thoughtful review. We love getting feedback from folks and welcome the opportunity to answer any questions about Tales2Go.
William Weil
Co-Founder and CEO
Hi Adrienne, You’re right, with an iPod Touch or a Wi-Fi only iPad you couldn’t use this service for a long car ride until they change it so you can save several stories. But people with an iPhone or iPad with 3G or 4G connections could keep streaming stories during an extended road trip.
We had long car rides growing up too and the games that we played in the car only kept us entertained for so long. I think this app helps parents as much as it helps kids!
Carolyn, Thanks for the review of Tale2Go. I don’t have little children, but do have little grandchildren. As a matter of fact, I was just stressing about what to buy my 5 year old grand daughter for her birthday. She is starting to read, and is at the age of listening to stories. This will be the perfect gift!
I am so glad I came upon this site at the perfect time. After I comment, I will call her parents so I can get their “approval” to buy it for her.
I’m sure they will be excited. Thanks for introducing me to this great product.
Hi Donna, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! What a great idea to give Tales2Go as a gift to your granddaughter. I’m sure she will love it! There is a link at the Tales2Go website to give a gift. Here is the link: Tales2Go gift.
Carolyn, aloha. While none of this applies to me, I certainly appreciate knowing about the app and look forward to sharing it with others.
Also, I have to tell you that your new blog format is much, much easier to read. What exactly creates that feeling, I am not sure, however, it’s terrific.
Look forward to the evolution of this app. Thanks so much. Aloha. Janet
P.S. 1 + 1 = 2!
Hi Janet, I knew this topic wouldn’t apply to everyone, but I wanted to make sure people knew about this fantastic app before the Summer vacation season started. I truly appreciate you stopping by and letting others know about this app as well.
Once you get your iPhone (is it coming soon?), you may want to check out this app anyway, at least for the thirty day trial period. That story I listened to using the app, Lost on a Mountain in Maine, was gripping.
Congratulations on successfully answering a math problem. I’m thinking you must miss Captcha quite a bit!
Carolyn, aloha. Since I have waited this long, I decided to wait for the iPhone 5. The way time flies, I will have it in no time and then I too can become an app maniac–not that I am saying that you are one.
My iLife friend periodically takes bunches off because she finds that she puts so many on that she doesn’t use them, forgets what she has, finds something better, etc.
Until next time, 2 + 2 = 4 Janet
Aloha, Janet. I can understand why you’re waiting to get the new iPhone, which will probably be released in the Fall. There are many predictions in the tech world that the next iPhone will have a larger screen and have 4G connectivity.
Your friend is not alone in collecting apps and then having to clear out her iPhone. It’s important not to have too many apps on the phone so deleting ones she’s not using is a great idea.
What a timely post Carolyn!
We are just about to leave for our summer vacation today, and I saw your post! Though we aren’t travelling by road this time, but this is such a wonderful application for long care rides and for those who have kids!
I remember the time when we used to travel with our parents, we always heard songs on the way and loved to sing along. Similarly, with my kids we play audio CD’s in the car, and I wish they had the application available in other countries too – which I’m sure parents would love. The best part being that kids get to learn something while they are travelling, which doesn’t get them bored, especially when they are small.
Thanks for sharing about yet another wonderful application. 🙂
Hi Harleena, That’s so exciting that you’re leaving on your Summer vacation today. I hope you have a great time, even though you’re missing out on the fun of a long car ride.
I hope Tales2Go comes to your country before your next long car trip, Harleena! 🙂
I love audio books and those are the favorite pastimes during my daily commute to work which is almost 1.5hrs each way. I get those books from a nearby library and most of them seem to be good.
This is a great idea for kids, my daughter is always bored to sit in her car seat when we go on long drives and she gets all cranky. I usually give her some movies on netflix, but this should be a learning experience with this app now. I will surely give it a try. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Praveen, Wow, you have a very long commute. I can see where you would be a big fan of audiobooks too. You may want to give Tales2Go a try to see if your kids enjoy it. I was really impressed with the book I listened to, even though it was written for young adults. The book even had sound effects, so it seemed more like a show than someone reading a book.
Hi Carolyn,
That seems like a good ‘app’, wouldn’t it deplete batteries on a long drive?
Anyway, I thought this article might interest you, a different use for the Ipad, that seems impressive:
I might allow my Sat Nav lady to guide me out to the countryside this afternoon, I have this overwhelming desire to escape to nature. 🙂
Hi Mike, I recommend all people keep a charge cord in the car for their phones. That way you never have to worry about losing running down your battery.
I hope you enjoyed your sojourn with your Sat Nav today, Mike!
Tales2Go sounds like a brilliant app, I can’t wait for it to be launched in Norwegian or for my kids to learn English.
My kids loves to listen to audio books, but there aren’t a lot of great audio books for kids in Norwegian.
Hi Jens, You’re right, one of the great uses for audiobooks is to help people learn foreign languages. For the price of one audiobook, you can have access to thousands of them for a month.
As of now you need a US or Canadian iTunes account to have access to Tunes2Go. But I hope when Tunes2Go expands around the world it will have access to Norwegian audiobooks for you!
For some reasons we always had great times on our road trips when the boys were young. With all the new tech, it became easier.
I am doing a 3000-mile road trip in August, taking my son to Boston – from L.A. – for his first year of college. We have an ambitious itinerary and we have FORD partially sponsoring – hoping to get other sponsors “on board” but regardless, it will be an incredible trip with stops in Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, Moab, Denver, Des Moines, Chicago, Detroit (and possibly the FORD factory), Cleveland and the Rock ‘N’ Roll Hall of Fame, Niagara Falls, Cooperstown and the Baseball Hall of Fame, then on to Boston.
I got the old-fashioned trip tics from Triple A though I’m sure we’ll have GPS in the Flex we’ll be driving!
Needless to say, I’ll be tweeting, blogging, vlogging, and hopefully doing radio and TV along the way!
Hi Bruce, That sounds like a fabulous trip! What great family bonding time before you leave your son off at college. I’m looking forward to following your adventure as you share it with us!
I drive a Ford Flex and love it. My Flex (I call her “Fiona”) is a dream to drive so I hope you’ll enjoy the experience. I hope you do get one with GPS and traffic options. The seats are very comfortable and then handling is more like a car than an SUV. Just a hint, there is a bond between Flex owners. Be prepared to strike up a conversation with other Flex owners you encounter during your trip.
I used to use TripTiks from AAA but haven’t since I got my first GPS.
Enjoy your journey!
Tale2go app is simply great. I grew up listening to audio dramas. On long drives, before bed, during afternoon naps, seems like we always had them playing. There’s something magical about hearing a story rather than seeing it – it allows your imagination to paint the story on a canvas bigger than any big screen TV can. Rather than allowing your brain to go on autopilot, audio stories put it to work in a colorful way.
My kids enjoys listening to the stories. This is an awesome app , I’m almost out of the trial stage and I’m planning to subscribe soon.
Hi Erick, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! I’m so glad you and your family are enjoying this app. It’s a great way to pass the time for your summer road trip. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Erick!