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If you’re a mom or a kid, you are going to love the app iRewardChart. Have you ever used a Star Chart as an incentive for kids, listing the chores your kids should do and awarding them stars for each task completed, only to neglect it after a couple of weeks? Me too.
iRewardChart is like a Star Chart for your iPhone (it works on iPod Touches and iPads too). The app is $3.99 in the App Store and a free version is available with a maximum of one child and four tasks. I love this app because:
- I can customize the tasks for each child
- I can customize the rewards for each child
- I always have my iPhone with me so it’s easy to keep track of the stars
- I can keep track of the rewards I’ve paid out, and
- I have never, ever received so much help from my kids!
Here’s how it works: enter your child’s name (you can download a picture for each child too) and add tasks for that child. Make sure you and your child come up with the tasks together, you need your child to buy into this idea or it won’t work. Some sample tasks are loading the dishwasher, pet care, plant care, practicing a musical instrument, brushing teeth and, my personal favorite, helping Mom. The app suggests tasks, but it’s easy to add your own tasks based upon your child’s age and what your child is willing and able to do. You can add tasks based on behavior, chores, responsibility, or whatever else you and your child agree upon.
You can assign more than one star for a task if that task is more complicated or takes more time than other tasks, but I try to keep it easy with one star per task.
You know your child best, but I’m thinking you can use this app with children as young as four. Younger children can try easy tasks such as brushing hair, getting dressed, brushing teeth, putting dirty laundry in the hamper and helping Mom. Helping Mom should always be included!
One of my favorite aspects of the app is that it makes a wonderful sound like a bell ringing when you add a star. It may seem silly, but my kids love to hear the sound of the bell when they earn a star. Pavlov, anyone?
Now for the good part. As with tasks, the rewards you choose also should be based on the age of the child. If the child is old enough to appreciate money, cold, hard cash is a great incentive. If you have a younger child, you can use other rewards such as a new box of crayons, a craft kit, a book, etc.
The app suggests rewards and the number of stars needed to earn that reward. For example, the app suggests a trip to a theme park for 500 stars, but I suggest starting with smaller rewards so your child can earn rewards quickly and appreciate the value of completing the tasks.
My kids are 12 and 15 so I use money as a reward. If my 15 year old earns 40 stars in a week, she earns $15 for that week. 35 stars she earns $14 and 30 stars she earns $13. Below 30 stars she is not paid for the week, but her stars carry over to the next week. That way, if she has a busy week with exams or gets sick and doesn’t earn the minimum number of stars to get paid, she at least gets credit towards the next week. Any stars she earns beyond 40 in a week get carried over into the next week.
Now when we go shopping and one of my kids wants something, I say, “Let’s check the iRewardChart app to see how many stars you have.” If she has enough stars for the item, she thinks carefully about buying it and whether it’s worth the money. If she decides it is, she buys it and I deduct the stars from her account.
The Best App Ever? My definition of a great app is one that changes your life. iRewardChart has not only changed my life but also the lives of my kids. They are pitching in more, learning the value of getting paid for their efforts and helping me more than ever. I am able to delegate more tasks and keep track of when I pay them.
For me, using a carrot works much better than a stick and iRewardChart lets me use incentives with my kids effectively. Maybe, just maybe, if Tiger Mom had iRewardChart, she wouldn’t need to be such a tiger?
I love this blog !
and you know what i would also love,
to see is a video of this iReward app in action
and how you would use it ;
Keep them coming I think I’m getting hooked
Hi Rene, I’m thrilled you love the blog! I’m happy to do a video but will wait until it will be more useful to demonstrate a personal technology device. This app is very easy to use, I don’t think you’ll have any problems navigating your way through it. I promise I will do a video soon though!
Carolyn,I will be soooo looking fwd to a video made on this 🙂
We’ll make sure all our parents (on Facebook, Twitter) check it out – do let us know when you get to do that.
As requested, I have posted a video showing iReward Chart in action! Video: The Best App Ever? Exhibit A. I hope you enjoy it!
Wow that sounds like a great app! I like to use a similar app on my Android called Reward Chart. It looks very similar and has up to 4 people and 6 tasks!
Jillian, thanks for letting us know about the Android app that’s similar to iReward Chart. I don’t know if there is a limit to the number of tasks or children on the iReward Chart app. I tried adding 10 children to my app and it still let me add more but I don’t think many people will need more than 10 children. Unless, perhaps, a school teacher wanted to use the app.
Right said Carolyn, there is no limit on the kids, tasks, rewards. However the app is kinda optimized for a typical family with *bunch* of kids 🙂 If its a big bunch (Octamom etc.), then usability takes a hit 🙂
That app sounds wonderful. I do not yet have a smart phone, but this app alone makes me think it may be time! Is it possible to use this app to award picky eaters for trying new foods? That would be amazing!
Kathy, I’m glad you like the app, but you don’t need a smart phone to use iReward Chart. If you have an iPod Touch or an iPad you can get this app. I will be discussing other apps in future blogs though that may convince you to get a smart phone after all!
Sure, you can use iReward Chart to encourage your child to try new foods. Nothing like a star to motivate a child!
Yea, like Carolyn said, it works on iPad/iPod touch too. We’re working on more devices (Android etc.) too.
Thanks to you, I downloaded this a couple of weeks ago! Still working on setting it up, but a definite must to keep kids on track.
Thanks Carolyn, this is a wonderfully written article. And the title of “Best App Ever” is very humbling to the small team of ours. We feel proud to have made the difference in some people’s lives in a very positive way.
Feel free to send us any questions or comments via email (support at iRew…) or contact us at Facebook ( We’re always looking fwd to hear from parents.
Good app and idea.
I’m a big believer in paying for grades – after all that’s a student’s #1 and first job in life. Is there an app for that too?
My system pays well (age course adjusted) for A’s, much less for B’s and zero for C’s.
Lee (a former neighbor of your Dad).
Hi Lee, You could certainly use iReward Chart to pay for grades. You can customize the tasks on the app to include grades. You could assign a certain number of stars for B’s and then even more stars for A’s. Then you can customize the rewards according to the number of stars earned. Make sure you check out my video blog post today demonstrating how iReward Chart works! Today’s Blog Post
How do I get to your video about the rewards app?
I heard Amy Chua speak at Penn Law School. She is a great speaker. Her book “The World on Fire” was outstanding.
Hello Bob, Welcome back to The Wonder of Tech! Here is the link to my blog post with the video. Glad you enjoyed it!
I wonder what her students at Yale University think of Amy Chua. She seems eloquent and dynamic.
At home we’ve tried getting allowances but after a while we’d forget about it and not get money nor do our chores. After using this app we’ve always been doing our chores. It’s just like a daily routine now. I’ve been able to buy cool stuff with my allowance using irewardchart. I even earned enough stars for a 3DS!!! Everyone in the family is now happy! Thank you irewardchart!! :-bd
Hi Rosie, I’m glad you are enjoying iRewardChart! It’s the best app ever so I’m not surprised you are doing so well with it. 🙂 Keep up the good work and keep earning those stars!
When do you think you’ll have iRewardChart for Android? I bought an Android phone not realizing it was only available on an Apple product!
Hi Lori, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! I will check with the developer to see how soon iRewardChart might be coming to Android. If you have recently purchased your Android phone, you may still be within the window for returns. Some carriers have a 14 day window, others have a longer time for returns. Or you could try selling your phone and buying an iPhone off contract.
Hi Lori, thanks for your interest. We have plans to bring iRewardChart on Android this summer. As per now, the plan is to release around end of July.
Thanks Carolyn for your response, and support!
Thanks for the info. Looking forward to it! (Or will figure out I can’t wait before my 14 days are over!)
Another way to be in touch with us is to connect us thru the Facebook fanpage, – we update everything related to app or any upcoming features over there. Thanks!
Thank you, iRewardChart, for keeping us posted on the latest developments and ways to learn more news about your app. I also suggest following iRewardChart on Twitter, @iRewardChart, for breaking news!