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If you’re a mom or a kid, you are going to love the app iRewardChart. Have you ever used a Star Chart as an incentive for kids, listing the chores your kids should do and awarding them stars for each task completed, only to neglect it after a couple of weeks? Me too.
iRewardChart is like a Star Chart for your iPhone (it works on iPod Touch and iPad devices too). The app is $3.99 in the App Store and a free version is available with a maximum of one child and four tasks. I love this app because:
- I can customize the tasks for each child
- I can customize the rewards for each child
- I always have my iPhone with me so it’s easy to keep track of the stars
- I can keep track of the rewards I’ve paid out, and
- I have never, ever received so much help from my kids!
Here’s how it works: enter your child’s name (you can download a picture for each child too) and add tasks for that child. Make sure you and your child come up with the tasks together, you need your child to buy into this idea or it won’t work. Some sample tasks are loading the dishwasher, pet care, plant care, practicing a musical instrument, brushing teeth and, my personal favorite, helping Mom. The app suggests tasks, but it’s easy to add your own tasks based upon your child’s age and what your child is willing and able to do. You can add tasks based on behavior, chores, responsibility, or whatever else you and your child agree upon.
You can assign more than one star for a task if that task is more complicated or takes more time than other tasks, but I try to keep it easy with one star per task.
You know your child best, but I’m thinking you can use this app with children as young as four. Younger children can try easy tasks such as brushing hair, getting dressed, brushing teeth, putting dirty laundry in the hamper and helping Mom. Helping Mom should always be included!One of my favorite aspects of the app is that it makes a wonderful sound like a bell ringing when you add a star. It may seem silly, but my kids love to hear the sound of the bell when they earn a star. Pavlov, anyone?
Now for the good part. As with tasks, the rewards you choose also should be based on the age of the child. If the child is old enough to appreciate money, cold, hard cash is a great incentive. If you have a younger child, you can use other rewards such as a new box of crayons, a craft kit, a book, etc.
The app suggests rewards and the number of stars needed to earn that reward. For example, the app suggests a trip to a theme park for 500 stars, but I suggest starting with smaller rewards so your child can earn rewards quickly and appreciate the value of completing the tasks.
My kids are 12 and 15 so I use money as a reward. If my 15 year old earns 40 stars in a week, she earns $15 for that week. 35 stars she earns $14 and 30 stars she earns $13. Below 30 stars she is not paid for the week, but her stars carry over to the next week. That way, if she has a busy week with exams or gets sick and doesn’t earn the minimum number of stars to get paid, she at least gets credit towards the next week. Any stars she earns beyond 40 in a week get carried over into the next week.
Now when we go shopping and one of my kids wants something, I say, “Let’s check the iRewardChart app to see how many stars you have.” If she has enough stars for the item, she thinks carefullly about buying it and whether it’s worth the money. If she decides it is, she buys it and I deduct the stars from her account.
I like this app so much that I have recorded a video to show how this app works in action:
The Best App Ever? My definition of a great app is one that changes your life. iRewardChart has not only changed my life but also the lives of my kids. They are pitching in more, learning the value of getting paid for their efforts and helping me more than ever. I am able to delegate more tasks and keep track of when I pay them.
For me, using a carrot works much better than a stick and iRewardChart lets me use incentives with my kids effectively. Maybe, just maybe, if Tiger Mom had iRewardChart, she wouldn’t need to be such a tiger?
iRewardChart is available in the iTunes App Store for free and at Google Play for $3.99.
Have you tried iRewardChart? What incentives do you use for your kids to help out? Are you a Tiger Mom? Let us know in the Comments section below!
Since this article was published, iRewardChart has been launched its app for Android devices in the Android Market for $3.99 and the Amazon App Store for $1.99.
Love this! I only wish it were available for android! Anything out there like this for android?
Hi Tracy, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! The app developer for iReward Chart has previously said that they were working on bringing the app to Android, but that hasn’t happened yet. I know of one Wonder of Tech reader who chose an iPhone over an Android just so she could get iRewardChart on her phone.
I will check with the developer to see if they are any closer to bringing this amazing app to Android.
Thanks so much, Tracy, for your visit and awesome comment!
Tracy, send us an email at – I will certainly send you an email the day the Android version comes out. Its 2:16am here, and that’s exactly what we are wroking on. Few days more for the v1.0 on Android.
Thanks again for your interest!
Hi iRewardChart, Wow, commenting at 2 in the morning, that’s a devoted developer and reader. Thank you for responding to Tracy’s question. I will be sure to spread the news about iRewardChart coming to Android when you release the app. I know a lot of Android owners who will be doing the happy dance that day!
Hi Caroyn!
They just opened the voting for Philadelphia’s Most Valuable Blogger 2011. I hope Wonder of Tech wins!
I voted, this blog deserves to win!
Thank you very much, Nicole, for all of your support with Philadelphia’s Most Valuable Blogger voting and posting of the link. I was so pleased to return from vacation to discover the blog is a finalist for this award.
People can vote every day. Unfortunately, I missed a few days of voting, but I will be voting for The Wonder of Tech every day between now and September 9.
Nicole to Nicole was little confusing. But yeah, I am on the voting… I will spread it wide. Already voted for you today. Do post a Facebook reminder to your followers, may be, every other day
Thanks, iRewardChart! Your support is always appreciated!
Nice read, I can see why you like it, my pick for best app ever would be much more boring (evernote). Allstar reminds me of when we used to something wrong at school and be put on report (where we had to carry a card round with us all the time so that teachers could write comments on the way we carried on through the day).
Hi danika, Thank you for sharing your favorite apps with us. I’m a big fan of Evernote too and want to write an article about it for The Wonder of Tech soon!
I hope that you are able to check out iRewardChart. You may just change your mind about your favorite app!
Thank you very much for your visit and awesome comment!
Coincidentally, I am working now (like I wrote to Tracy above), and my notes for the release we are working on is on Evernote, so I have it open right in front of me
And I also have a special connection with Evernote, because I was part of a founders incubator program, where Evernote founder, the awesome Phil Libin was a mentor. He is an amazing entrepreneur.
I don’t feel anyway less deprived of losing out to Evernote as BestAppEver, in fact, I am proud of being considered in the same league.
Thank you Danika and Carolyn!
Hi Carolyn,
I haven’t tried iRewardChart yet, but after reading your review, I definitively must try it soon
Hi Jens, Yes, I think you and your kids will really enjoy iRewardChart. I think my kids might enjoy the app even more than I do because they get rewarded for their efforts. Shopping trips are more fun for them as they can spend their stars when they see something they want.
Thanks, Jens, for your visit, wonderful tweet and awesome comment!
thanks for your interest. Would be happy to be in touch to see how the app helps you out. I am following you on Twitter now. Pls keep me posted.
Carolyn, can I ever say a bigger ‘Thank You’? (unfortunately the font size here is fixed)
iRewardChart, your thanks is welcomed, but not necessary. Your app is truly a life changer for me and my family. People ask me if there is an app that will help them with housework and I have to say that yes, there is, iRewardChart! How great is that?
So the thanks also comes from me to you!