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When was the last time you had a meal uninterrupted by tech? Are you tired of having dinner with people distracted by checking for the latest text message, email, tweet or Facebook post? Is your dinner companion more interested in a cell phone than in you?
You may need the Cell Phone Challenge. Do you miss the days of old when people had meaningful conversations over the dinner table? When you had the full attention of someone you were speaking with? When you weren’t interrupted by messages from afar?
What Is the Cell Phone Challenge?
The Cell Phone Challenge is simple. The next time you have dinner with someone, put your cell phones on the table. The first one to touch a phone before the end of the dinner pays for the meal.
[tip]Helpful Hint: Silence Your Phone before you lay it on the table. [/tip]
If you’re at home with a dinner table filled with teenagers, you could change the stakes: first one to touch a phone washes the dishes, cleans the kitchen, rewires the house, etc.
If you’re at a restaurant with a large group, the stakes could be that anyone who touches a phone kicks in $5, $10 or $20 towards the check. Make it matter.
Yes, you could nag at someone to put down the phone, lecture on the rules of cell phone etiquette, use humor or grab the phone out of their hands. But this challenge may be more effective in getting your dining companion to engage in actual, uninterrupted conversation. If it doesn’t work and your dining companion reaches for a phone, well, at least you get a free meal.
When NOT to Take the Cell Phone Challenge
- When you and/or your spouse is/are expecting a baby
- When you’re “on call” as an emergency responder
- When you leave your child with a babysitter for the very first time (especially if that babysitter is your Uncle Leo who was just released one year into a 25 year sentence due to “prison overcrowding”)
Don’t let this happen to you:
Your Thoughts
Have you ever taken the Cell Phone Challenge? Have you ever been annoyed at people who check their phones during a meal? Would you win the Cell Phone Challenge? Do you have another method to get people to put down their phones? Let us know in the Comments section below!
*Restaurant image by Adamr of
**Stacked phones image by Arielle Mohr
Thank goodness I am immune to cell phone attachment Carolyn. I have one; do not use it
All Skype and even at that, I check in once a day. Now as for online/social media stuff, getting better and better at detaching…..
Hi Ryan, Excellent. I’m glad your cell phone isn’t distracting you from conversations. If you ever find yourself frustrated by someone who is distracted by a mobile device, you might get a free meal!
I love that idea. I would have no problem winning that battle. I hate getting calls and texts. I would just turn my phone off and enjoy the meal.
Hi Brian, that’s super. I’m so glad you enjoy your meals is peace. I wonder of any Wonder of Tech readers will admit to this being a difficult challenge for them? If so, be sure to invite them out to dinner!
Hi Carolyn,
Oh yes! I am ready for this challenge and will easily win it too
As you already know I really keep away from my cell phone and it’s kind of there to receive calls more than to make it. Well, the main reason being because I am literally always working online and anything one can easily manage that ways, and when outside, the kids and my hubby have their cell phones if anyone wants to get in touch with me – so I really never have felt the need at all.
Yes, had you got a ‘Laptop Challenge’, I’d surely have lost that one
Lovely video and this IS exactly what happens….people nowadays have just forgotten to ‘BE THERE’ in the moment with their loved ones because of the cell phones…sad but true. I see it with my kids, though I’m glad I have put limits on their usage so things remain in control.
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend
Hi Harleena, yes, one of the great things about this challenge is how you can adapt it to your needs.transform the Cell Phone Challenge into the Laptop Challenge: for one day a week, all computers in the home are turned off. The first one who turns on the computer has to wash the car, sheer the sheep, sweep the hearth or all three!
The challenge and the stakes can be changed to fit your needs.
Hi Carolyn !
. Thanks for sharing .
Nowadays ,I never get distracted by a phone and use it just a couple of times in a day..hence, i can win this game. I was a phone and computer games addict before i started blogging the time passed by my interest to those two addictions diminished . Though , i am not a cell phone addict , I do like to read and write articles on them
Hi Pramod, Yes, your blog can be an irresistible lure, and the ability to access it from a cell phone makes it even more tempting. That’s great that you never get distracted by a phone any more. Perhaps you can get a free dinner from this challenge! :-bd
Also according to site name Its a wonderful article, Me always think That how you wright a lot of on a any topic, Me notice you all article that, You pick a any topic and wright nicely nothing else, Please tell us what is secret of your thinking, Please must reply
Hi Mahendra, Thank you for your kind words. Readers such as you inspire me to find the best tech to share with you.
Hi Carolyn,
I bet you most of the people will fail the challenge of putting their cell phones down. Even i will fail this, its not because i love to take it in my hands but its due to the work. Peoples lives are becoming easy with such technological advancements in the communication era but they are getting addicted to it so fast that they can’t even live a single day with their cell phone.
My kid Andrew is just 12 and he is crazy about his cell phone. He sometimes ignores us and the food also. And it rally hurts but i cannot control it now.
Hi Jon, Well, if many people will fail this challenge then they’re not admitting it here, at least not yet.
Some people are required to stay in touch with work constantly but with others, they feel compelled to check in constantly with work whether they really need to or not. The days of constant communication can put a different perspective on our lives. We have to decide whether it really matters if we take 30 minutes off of work to eat a meal in peace.
We are also setting an example for our kids. If we can’t stay off of our cell phones during a meal, how can we expect our kids to put down their devices if we can’t?
You could try the Cell Phone challenge with your son or you could try iRewardChart which gives positives incentives for behavior. See, iRewardChart – Reward Your Kids and Yourself!
Good luck!
Sadly, I will always faced the penalty if I ever tried these challenges….My phone ditched me in the most important times….and I don’t have that much of immune power to resist myself from it….sad but true…
Hi Aditya, Yes, it can be very difficult to resist the lure of the phone, which is why this challenge would be very effective for you. And anyone reading this article should surely invite you out to dinner!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this Challenge, Aditya. Maybe you should try the Challenge. It might be easier than you think it will be!
Carolyn, I love the idea! One day I forgot my cell phone and it was so peaceful and quiet. I felt so FREE. I once was at a wake and a cell phone went off and they started a conversation in the line! I was horrified. That’s the worse use of a cell phone. I do carry mine almost 24/7. I shut off the noise at various times throughout the day so I don’t pay attention to it.
Hi Lisa, That’s very interesting that you got a feeling of peace when you left your phone behind. In my recent article, Surviving Without an iPhone, many readers confessed that they would be very stressed if they left their cell phones behind.
You probably would do quite well at the Cell Phone Challenge, Lisa. Why not give it a try and get a free meal?
Hi Carolyn,
I would love to do this challenge! I’m just afraid I might be the frequent loser of this game. Whatever! BTW, using my smartphone is also my worst habit during dinner time. It ruins the moment with my family. I want to get rid of this habit!
Hi Renaldo, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! Well, if this Challenge helps you to kick your cell phone habit, then you would be a winner even if you had to pay for a few meals. Try putting down your phone during your next meal to see if you can make it through without picking up your phone. You may surprise yourself!
I could win the challenge over and over again
I don’t use my cellphone much; these days, I mostly use it for alarms (I don’t have a smartphone, because I feel like need one). I could do everything I want in my laptop.
I think Attaching ourselves to smartphones make our lives colorless – we forget to enjoy the little things around us (because we are so focused on what’s happening online).
Another reason I don’t support smartphones is radiation (although debate is still going on whether cellphone radiation is that harmful).
Like Harleena mentioned, if were was a laptop challenge, I would lose that one for sure
I need my laptop – not just for blogging, but also my personal activities from learning to surfing online
Hi Jeevan, That’s great that you’re not tempted by your cell phone during meals (or any other time). Maybe you could use this challenge with a friend who is more tempted to earn a meal for free!
As I advised Harleena, you can adapt this Challenge to your needs. If you want to change the Challenge to be about laptops you could. Chisel out a time in your week when you want to be away from your laptop and stick to it. Use the Challenge to make sure you are laptop-free during that time. Change the stakes to make it count! :-bd
Well, I do use 1 hour for reading and 30 mins for basketball. Does those two count? (That might be cheating, right?). I try to balance it all. 8 hrs learning + blogging, 9 hrs for sleeping and other daily activities, and 7 hrs for fun or entertainment (I might have to cut that down too).
Thanks anyways
Love the connect with me widget, what plugin do you use?
Hi Jeevan, Wow, you use your laptop for basketball? Very cool!
Your day sounds like an efficient balance of your time. I’m glad you value fun and entertainment, Jeevan!
The Connect with Me widget came with my theme. There are links to the theme below if you want to check it out.
I wish. Perhaps it is for the better
I meant to say I don’t use my laptop for those two things.
I am still working out on efficiency; trying to reduce my free/entertainment time and fill it with learning/trying new things
Hi Jeevan, Well, I was going to request a guest post from you about how to use your laptop for basketball.
You seem to be doing a lot, Jeevan. With your university schedule, you probably need your breaks.
Ha ha! Just spotted your comment, Jeevan – my android is basically a very expensive alarm clock – I use it to time my daily meditation session. Apart from that it’s virtually redundant
Hi Sue, Well, those are two uses for your Android phone. So long as you don’t need it for anything else, I bet you can win the Cell Phone Challenge!
Good to hear that there is someone who does the same thing
I mostly use websites for meditation (, Rainymood are all good).
Hi Jeevan, Very cool. I’m glad you found some excellent websites for mediation. Also check out Ten Ways to Relax with Tech! for other ideas.
I usually just mute the sound of my phone so as not to disturb. Nice article.
Thanks for sharing
Hi Nanda, That’s great if you’re not tempted by your phone during meals. You can use the Challenge if you’re friends don’t have as much self-control as you do! :-bd
Yes, I will tell my friends about this challenge, it’s quite interesting I think
I just wondered, what my friends response about this!
If you have a chance, Nanda, please swing back by and let us know how your Challenge goes. We’re rooting for you! :-bd
Afraid this challenge is lost on me, Carolyn – we hardly ever have our cell phones switched on! The last of a dying breed
Hi Sue, This challenge might actually be ideal for you, Sue! If you find yourself having a meal with someone who is distracted by a cell phone, you can suggest the Cell Phone Challenge.
Enjoy your free meal! :-bd
Nice idea Carolyn. This would definitely be good for families looking to spend more meaningful time together. Might be a bit difficult to accomplish at first though.
Hi Frank, Good point. Habits are difficult to break. If your family is accustomed to fiddling with electronics during meals, then you might need a few days of the Cell Phone Challenge to break those habits. But you can get a clean kitchen when it doesn’t work!
You know this isn’t an issue with me Carolyn but I’ve been to restaurants and even right out here my our pool and watched all the kids constantly on their darn cell phones. Put the darn thing down and eat your dinner or just have fun. My goodness.
I hope this challenge will help a few people, they sure could use it.
Hi Adrienne, Yes, the people who are very good about keeping electronics away from the dinner table are the ones who need this Challenge to convince others who are consumed with electronics to put down their devices during a meal. It’s a fun way of getting the message across and perhaps changing behavior without the need to nag, cajole or persuade.
You’re absolutely correct, Adrienne. It’s important not to have your cell phone glued in your hand at all times!
Hi Carolyn,
I had meant to come see you here as I know I haven’t been for a very long time.
What did people do before the cell phone? I wonder!
I can say that I’ve never been a cell phone crazy like those people on the video or the ones I see on a daily basis. I often forget my phone in my hand bag for hours at the time.
Thank you for bring this topic to the consciousness of those who need it
Hi Sylviane, Great to have you back at The Wonder of Tech! Yes, I’ve had a busy summer and haven’t been around as much as I would have liked.
It sounds as if you would really enjoy the Cell Phone Challenge, Sylviane! You could use this to get a free meal if you’re ever stuck with a friend who is constantly on her phone during a meal.
Enjoy your challenge win, Sylviane!
Thank you so much for your great idea. Hereafter, every people can have a peaceful dinner. Really your idea is very useful.
Hi Meethu, I’m so glad you enjoyed this and I hope the Challenge brings peace to you as well as to your family meals.