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Looking for holiday gift ideas? Look no further than tech. You don’t need to be a techie to buy or receive great tech gifts. No matter how big or how small your budget is, there are awesome tech gifts for your holiday gift list!
$10 and Under
Give an iTunes Gift Card. Nearly everyone seems to have an iPod these days and an iTunes Gift Card can buy music, TV shows, movies, iBooks, and apps (the latter two require an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad).
Buy a Kindle book for someone. She doesn’t need to have a Kindle, she can read a Kindle book on a computer, smartphone or tablet.
If your loved one complains constantly about typing on the small virtual keyboard on a smartphone, consider getting them a stylus. amCase Stylus ($9.85)
Looking for a fun, goofy gift? Check out this Cell Foam Banana Cover: Banana Phone ($10)
$25 and Under
If your loved one is a sports fan or spends a lot of time outdoors, get him an electric hand warmer. Zippo Hand Warmer ($12)
Give your friend a charge with a Solar charger for cell phones. Icetech Solar Charger ($18)
If you have a friend who’s all about social media, get her some Facebook, Google+ or Twitter pillows. Note that these pillows are handmade so order soon! Pillows ($22 and up)
If you are fortunate enough to love a geek, make her holidays special with the Geek Clock. Geek Clock ($25)
$50 and Under
If you have a friend who is getting an iPad, Kindle Fire, other Kindle or other tablet for the holidays, help her protect her tech with a Cover from M-Edge. These covers are functional and stylish, with many designs to choose from. You can even design your cover by uploading your own photos! M-Edge (Starting at $30 and up)
Do you know someone who has everything and spends a lot of time in front of the computer? Check out Tengu, a fun tech gift sure to put a smile on her face!Tengu ($35)
Friends who are movie buffs, will appreciate a Roku for only $49. They’ll be able to access Netflix, Hulu+, Amazon Instant Video and many other channels with a TV and an Internet connection. Roku ($49.99)
$100 and Under
Give someone the freedom to pause, fast forward or rewind their TV shows with a TiVo Premiere. He can schedule shows to record ahead of time from his TV, iPhone or iPad. He can also watch Netflix, Hulu+, Pandora and Amazon Instant Videos through the TiVo. TiVo Premiere ($75)
An Amazon Prime Membership is a $79 gift will keep giving all year. Between free two-day shipping (no minimum purchase required), free Amazon Instant Video, and Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, this gift keeps giving all year long!
For less than $100, you can give your loved one a year’s worth of unlimited TV shows and movies to stream. Buy that special someone a Netflix or Hulu+ subscription for a year and hope that she invites you over for many movie nights! Netflix and Hulu+ ($96)
Introduce a loved one to the joys of reading ebooks by getting them a Kindle Touch or Keyboard, Wi-Fi. Kindle ($99)
Any student who takes a lot of notes would appreciate a Live Scribe pen that will record anything that she writes or hears and then transfer it to a computer. LiveScribe (Starting at $99)
$200 and Under
If your loved one travels out of the country frequently, consider getting her a Kindle Touch or Keyboard 3G + Wi-Fi. She will be able to access the Internet from her 3G Kindle in over 100 countries around the world. Kindle 3G ($139)
Give the joy of the iPhone without the phone or the two-year cell phone contract by giving an iPod Touch. iPod Touch ($199 and up)
The Kindle Fire is a fantastic gift for someone who wants an Android tablet that can fit in his pocket. The Fire also gives access to Amazon Instant Video and Netflix. Kindle Fire ($199)
$300 and Under
Check out the Nook Tablet for your loved ones who want an Android tablet with more storage than the Kindle Fire. Nook Tablet ($250)
For a gift that’s double the fun, give the PlayStation 3. The PS 3 is both a gaming console and a Blu-Ray player. PlayStation 3 ($250)
$500 and Under
If your budget can afford it, an iPad 2 is the way to go. I’ve never heard of anyone who wasn’t thrilled to get an iPad. (Starting at $499 for 16 GB Wi-Fi)
$110,000 and Under
Impress your friends and save the planet at the same time with this electric deLorean DMCEV for $109,900 (free delivery, flux capacitor not included). Take a trip Back to The Future as you motor in style! After all, don’t you deserve to give a little something special to yourself? Electric DeLorean
Bottom Line
Your gift-giving can be affordable and fun if you consider tech gifts for everyone!
Are you giving tech gifts this year? Do you know someone who would like to go Back to the Future? Let us know in the Comments section below!
Gift Image by Debbie Chialtas
Tengu Image by Brandon Baunach
Thanks for the great ideas! I wonder if I’ll be lucky enough to get the deLorean? Somehow I don’t think so; guess I’ll have to shoot a little lower and perhaps an iPad!
Hi Carol, No doubt you’ll be getting a deLorean. I hope I didn’t spoil the surprise! ๐
Hello Carolyn,
Great gift suggestions. I want them all, even the ones I’ve already got.
My son started university this year and I got him a LiveScribe pen. He absolutely loves it – so I think that it would be a great gift for any student.
Hi Hamish, Your son has a great advantage starting university with a LiveScribe pen. I’m glad he’s using it to its full advantage. Well done, giving him the perfect gift to enhance his university experience!
Hey, excellent suggestions! Now, suppose I have three tech-savvy teenage granddaughters — how do I quietly figure out who wants/needs what, without spoiling the surprise?
Hi Gramps, Definitely get them banana phone cover. Teens want to look cool and what looks cooler than holding a banana to your ear?
Either that or the deLorean. ๐
I love the banana cover. Also the geek clock! They are great for presents !
Hi Anna, Make sure to include those on your wish list! You may want to drop some hints to make sure your loved ones clue in on your heart’s desire! ๐
Wow Carolyn!
These are simply awesome gift ideas and I love the various price ranges they are available at as well. The cutest one sure looks like the Cell Foam Banana Cover- something the kids will love immediately ๐
Of course if you wish to receive a gift from someone instead, I think the ipad would be something worth looking forward to as well!
Thanks for sharing these wonderful ideas, they sure make you think/ ๐
Hi Harleena, You’re right, tech gifts don’t have to be “techie”, they can be fun! For example, the iPad is a lot of fun. ๐
I tried to cover all price ranges so people with every range of budget can be sure to get the ideal gifts for their loved ones.
Ah Carolyn, what great choices you’ve shared.
My niece has already sent me her list and no tech is on there. Shes’ going to cosmetology school so she’s leaning more towards things in the stylish category if you know what I mean.
The one that caught my eye on your list is the Live Scribe pen. Now that’s just darn cool and not very expensive either. I could see a use for that.
The banana cover is just hilarious. I can see using that as a joke, that would be kind of funny. I should get that one for my nephew. He’s had a blast with that one. He’s a regular cut up.
Great list Carolyn, thanks a lot for your suggestions.
Hi Adrienne, I can understand your niece is more interested in style than tech. But why not combine both with the deLorean? That’s the ultimate in style! Perhaps she neglected to put the deLorean on her list only because she was unaware of its availablity?
The LiveScribe pen is great. I don’t have one and haven’t tested it, but have heard from people that it’s a lifesaver, and especially helpful for those with fine motor skill issues.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the list, Adrienne! Happy shopping! ๐
Well, the boys will be home for Thanksgiving and finally getting their iPhones; the wife is making noises about a new laptop so that might be in the cards. My lawnmower has a rear wheel that is shot so I might be getting a new lawnmower……….that’s life at the Dorman house. Maybe I can get a robot mower that will cut the grass for me, huh?
Hi Bill, Robot lawn mower? Great idea! Friendly Robotics Lawn Mower and Lawn Bot Lawn Mower.
The Wonder of Tech has you covered. Now you can put one on your wish list! ๐
Love reading your blog, Carolyn!
What’s I’d like for the Holidays is someone in a position to buy me the Electric DeLorean! Don’t think I even want the car – just access to the possibility!
Hi Ruth, Hmmm…I’m not sure tech can help you with that, but it’s a great wish!
So glad you’re enjoying the blog, Ruth! ๐
I wish I could go Xmas shopping with someone who is as tech smart as you.
Thanks, Jerry! Reading The Wonder of Tech is the next best thing to having a tech buddy to go shopping with. ๐
Hi Carolyn – This is a great list, But this one knocks off all others in the list – deLorean $109,900 (free delivery, flux capacitor not included)
I should say I am very excited about the free delivery part after paying just over 100 thousand. ๐
The pillows are great, would love to get one ๐
Hi Praveen, So you would prefer the deLorean to the Banana phone case?
Yes, the free delivery of the deLorean certainly makes that car a great deal! The Banana Phone Case has a shipping charge of $2.50. Need I say more? ๐
The pillows are lovely and I’m sure they would be well-received by any fan of those sites!
Hi Carolyn – Thanks for the reply. I dont want you to pay @2.50 for shipping the banana phone case though i love it.
So I will settle in for the car, when will you ship that? Hope you make my holidays worth the wait now ๐
I also agree with another comment of yours that all your readers are wonderful, nice to hear that.
Hi Praveen, Yes, the shipping fee on the banana case is much more than the shipping fee on the deLorean. We must always consider shipping fees in calculating costs!
I checked with the seller and he says he delivered it to you in the future — 2051. That isn’t a problem, is it? ๐
I can wait, just 40more years and i will be the proud owner of an awesome car – thanks to WonderOfTech !!!
I’m so glad you’re pleased, Praveen. Just one request: when you get your deLorean in 2051, please travel back to 2011 to let us know how you like it! ๐
I agree; the de Lorean is a great deal. Now I wish I’d waited to buy a new car; I would SO have bought that. (I assume there’s an estate version with room in the back for the dog and other things I haul around?)
Hi Kathy, Although this car is environmentally friendly, it’s not very pet-friendly unless you have a very small pet . I test drove a deLorean many years ago and it feels a bit claustrophobic as the rear window is right behind the front seats. So don’t plan on hauling much if you invest in this treasure! ๐
I don’t believe that the $110,000 car is a common gift among the regular people :))
So true, Radu, but Wonder of Tech readers are not regular people, but completely wonderful in every way. I hope every one of you gets a deLorean! ๐
Great list! I have a question, as usual! With the iCloud features, is a 16 gig iPad2 a more reasonable option? I quickly filled 16 and more on my 32 gig iPad, but now I’m wondering if more of my storage hogging apps, etc. could not be accessed via the cloud, thus saving the need for the extra storage?
Hi Kathy, You’re the second Wonder of Tech reader to ask me that question in the past week. iCloud does store your music in the Cloud, but to listen to your music, you must download it to your device. So you will continue to need your 32 GB iPad if you want to have your music library on it.
Haha, that banana shaped cell phone cover! ๐ OMG! I want one! We are actually buying a new TV this year for Christmas, and for the bottom line, it must be the latest and the most techy one! ๐
Hi Emilia, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! The banana phone cover seems to be a popular item this holiday season!
When you get your new TV for Christmas, look for one that’s internet enabled so you can connect directly to services such as Netflix and Pandora. ๐
These are some really cool gift ideas. The banana cover looks awesome. Haven’t seen anything like that before.
And that back to the future car…I would definitely buy that for me if I had the money (O:
Great share my friend.
talk to you soon.
Hi Adam, Feel free to use any and all of these gift ideas. I had a lot of fun putting this list together, as you can imagine!
Yes, that car certainly would be tempting if the price were right. Not sure if they would take a lower price. Perhaps you could offer $108,990? ๐
You read my mind, Carolyn! Just this past week, I’ve been worried about Christmas gifts because I’ll only have three days in Vancouver before Christmas. Man, I’d hate to get stuck in the Christmas rush. I’m loving all these ideas and they brought me to even more ideas through Amazon’s suggestions! Thanks for making this less overwhelming! =)
I’m happy to help, Samantha. I know how crazy the holidays can be. Internet shopping can be very useful when you’re traveling to visit friends and family for Christmas. I hope everyone enjoys your presents and your presence! ๐
Hi Carolyn,
I want a Live Scribe pen. I haven’t seen that before. It looks awesome. I’m still thinking about iPad for my wife, and maybe some games to my kids (they play Wii, well, they actually play on the iPad more than the Wii now).
Great suggestions for gifts.
Hi Jens, The Live Scribe pen is very useful if you take a lot of written notes. Perhaps a new, fun Wii game for your kids would allow you some time with your iPad? ๐
I do love the banana cover it’s perfect present for my brother in-law.
Hi Rachel, Welcome to The Wonder of Tech! I’m glad you found the perfect present for your brother-in-law. Who wouldn’t love a banana cell phone cover? Thanks for stopping by! ๐
I like the geek clock. It will make a perfect present for my brother, as we always exchange funny gifts and truth to be told he is real dork. As for other presents I’ll probably do one for myself (the biggest one of course)
I’m gonna buy myself the kindle fire, I don’t like the nook very much…
Hi Cristian, The geek clock is a lot of fun and I bet your brother doesn’t have one already!
That’s great you’re getting the Kindle Fire. You deserve it! Why don’t you like the Nook Tablet?
Happy shopping!
Thanks Carolyn, some great ideas here. I’ve just got a Kindle Fire and very impressed. The reviews I read weren’t great but I’d already pre-ordered. Now that I’ve got it though it seems to work great, it’s not comparable to an iPad as it doesn’t have the range of options available on it. It’s a simple way of getting access to the Amazon range of content and then web browsing/emails. Although my christmas list has now become more Amazon gift vouchers. I also like the look of the solar charger, very cool present idea.
Hi Ted, I’m glad you like your Kindle Fire. You’re right, the reviews were disappointing, but I think that’s because too many people compared it to the iPad, which is 2 1/2 times the price. The Fire packs a lot of tablet into a small price, it’s a truly great deal. You made it very easy for your loved ones to buy for you this holiday season! ๐
These were awesome. I have to say, I am going with “banana” how cool is that! Anything to embarrass my man even more seeing me walk down the street with him and a talking banana!
Hi Sonia, I’m certain that your man will be very proud to be walking down the street with you, banana or not. But you’re right, the banana definitely ups the coolness factor. :-bd
Awesome gift ideas here, Carolyn!
You’ve taken away all the excuses to why we have no idea what to give our loved ones. There’s something here for everyone on the list.
There’s only that one little thing… Whose been naughty and whose been nice? ๐
The only thing I want for Christmas is a new laptop. The one I’m currently using is my partner’s (basically mine though since he uses his work laptop); but since I’ve started my journey of writing and blogging; it amazes me how much space I use up.
Although, the laptop has been on my list since the early part of this year; I’m now eyeing something else that might not fit under the tree after all….the electric deLorean DMCEV! Now that, would be a Merry Christmas to me. ๐ hahaha
Hi Deeone, Yes, that deLorean is a sweet ride. That and the banana phone cover seem to be the most popular items. What would be really cool is if someone got both. Stepping out from those gull wing doors holding a banana phone? It just doesn’t get any cooler than that.
I agree with you about blogging being a great way to fill up a laptop. You may want to consider an external hard drive though to park some of your data, much less expensive than a new laptop. I’m holding off on getting a new laptop until Windows 8 comes out next year. ๐
LOL ๐ As I read your reply, I found myself literally laughing out loud at the mental picture. What would the neighbors say if they were to see that. haha
You’ve continuously proven that you are the Tech Queen, Carolyn; that’s a marvelous idea. I actually had no idea that Windows was coming out with an 8. We’re currently working with Windows 7 at the moment. I think I’ll do just what you’ve suggested. Who knows? By the time it hits the market I may not have to ask for it for Christmas; I’ll be able to get it done, myself.
Thanks! ๐
Hi Deeone, You must send me a picture of you stepping out of the deLorean with a banana phone to your ear, after your gifts have been delivered, of course! ๐
I’ve been holding back in getting a laptop in spite of all of the great sales. I know I would regret it next year when Windows 8 arrives!
I did get an external hard drive though, to back up and park some data. Not as much fun as a laptop, but much cheaper!